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LETTER: Lack of licensing creates friction between cyclists and other road users

LETTER: Lack of licensing creates friction between cyclists and other road users

The word cyclist dehumanizes people, and drivers often berate people on bicycles, but something has been bugging me for awhile.
LETTER: Protesters work against freedom

LETTER: Protesters work against freedom

Letter writer David King acts against freedom by urging initiation of force.
LETTER: Parking not considered in hunt for new Crystal Pool location

LETTER: Parking not considered in hunt for new Crystal Pool location

In 2024, when the au pair is driving the seven seater Model Y Tesla with six preschoolers on board, the decision will be made to either drive to Crystal Pool or Oak Bay Recreation Centre for a swim.
LETTER: Oversight needed to protect public interest

LETTER: Oversight needed to protect public interest

The Saanich News did not provide some important background regarding the issues of the Saanich EDPA Bylaw.
LETTER: Free transit creates an untenable demand on system

LETTER: Free transit creates an untenable demand on system

It’s a wonderful thought, but there is no such thing as free transit. The cost to operate would go on general taxation. If you do make the choice to use it then why would you not pay?
LETTER: Police face dangers everyday

LETTER: Police face dangers everyday

Police officers are doing their job, protecting us from people with guns and evading arrest.
LETTER: Bicyclist need to curb bad behaviour

LETTER: Bicyclist need to curb bad behaviour

A rash of letters from bicyclists make out as though they’ve been unfairly targeted for criticism. I don’t agree with that.
LETTER: Flower theft doesn’t hold water

LETTER: Flower theft doesn’t hold water

During lunch time recently I was sitting in the window of a restaurant on Beacon Avenue admiring the wonderful planters full of spring flowers that Sidney creates.
LETTER: Carbon free is a myth

LETTER: Carbon free is a myth

I think I can see it all now. Totally carbon free atmosphere.
LETTER: Spot the danger before you play

LETTER: Spot the danger before you play

Accidents can happen in a split second. As the weather warms up and kids spend more time outside, I encourage parents, teachers and community group leaders to help pass on The War Amps PLAYSAFE message.