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LETTER: Canada needs to spend more on mental health

LETTER: Canada needs to spend more on mental health

One in five Canadians suffer from mental illness. In comparison one in 15 live with heart disease and one in 25 have type two diabetes. Mental illness costs the Canadian economy $5 billion annually or $1,400 per Canadian.
LETTER: Cyclists lack etiquette on Victoria’s trails

LETTER: Cyclists lack etiquette on Victoria’s trails

Since I moved to Victoria from Alberta a year ago, I have enjoyed wonderful weather, great people and some of the best walking/biking trails around. It is so nice to be able to bike and walk the entire year without the presence of snow. I commonly walk along the Lochside Trail from near Mount Doug right into the downtown area. The trail is nicely divided into north and south-flowing sections.
LETTER: Bridge between Peninsula, Mill Bay would solve Malahat issues

LETTER: Bridge between Peninsula, Mill Bay would solve Malahat issues

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LETTER: Libraries the great equalizer

LETTER: Libraries the great equalizer

Libraries are so much more than lenders of books. They bring members of a community together to sing songs with their babies, brainstorm ideas for new businesses, learn new languages and become more technologically savvy.
LETTER: E&N rail line could ease pressure on the Malahat

LETTER: E&N rail line could ease pressure on the Malahat

The E&N rail line is vital to the economic future of Vancouver Island as a transit corridor for commuters, freight and tourism. The line should be upgraded to a modern electrified train/tram system ideally running two tracks but even a single line track could be adapted to operate several trains at the same time by installing double track platform stations for passing, one inbound and one outbound as operated in many parts of the world like north of Brisbane, Australia.
LETTER: Esquimalt Lagoon bird sculptures a precious gift

LETTER: Esquimalt Lagoon bird sculptures a precious gift

I was really sad to see that someone would complain about the incredible work of Brother Paul at the Esquimalt Lagoon, as the signs beside each sculpture calls him.
LETTER: Communities grieve tragedy of overdose deaths

LETTER: Communities grieve tragedy of overdose deaths

I read the article on how Victoria recorded 85 overdose deaths last year. Unfortunately this did not surprise me, but I did make a sad connection. Over the holidays, I watched on TV the town of Humboldt grieve together over the bus crash that killed or injured young athletes and their coach. It was a public ceremony to allow all to grieve together. It was an acknowledgement of the loss from the whole community and from ourselves.
LETTER: Tea Lea treated unfairly for work on EDPA

LETTER: Tea Lea treated unfairly for work on EDPA

Why is it that society will often look for a way to condemn a person who does good?
Environmental fixes needed over personal agendas

Environmental fixes needed over personal agendas

Re: CRD directors demand declaration of climate emergency ( Online , Jan. 14)
LETTER: Every little bit helps when it comes to climate change

LETTER: Every little bit helps when it comes to climate change

In his letter of Jan. 4 Richard Talbot quoted an old friend that “Climate is always changing – it’s called weather.” I guess we are supposed to conclude that it is silly to be concerned about climate change, because weather is changing every day.