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LETTER: Victoria should look to Langford for affordable housing

LETTER: Victoria should look to Langford for affordable housing

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LETTER: Saanich will accomplish nothing by banning single–use plastic bags

LETTER: Saanich will accomplish nothing by banning single–use plastic bags

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LETTER: B.C. loses in Proportional Representation referendum

LETTER: B.C. loses in Proportional Representation referendum

It’s been disturbing but predictable to read First Past the Post (FPTP) supporters crowing about the supposed victory in the referendum. They, and their media backers, say that proportional representation (PR) is over in B.C. and that somehow democracy has won. This is the same nonsense that was spouted throughout the referendum campaign by supporters of FPTP, who believe that democracy somehow is served when 40 per cent of the voters equals a majority government.
LETTER: Driving safe means turning on your headlights

LETTER: Driving safe means turning on your headlights

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LETTER: ICBC needs to take action on distracted driving

LETTER: ICBC needs to take action on distracted driving

The highest number of crashes are caused by males aged 25 to 55. So, of course, ICBC targets the group which accounts for less than 10 per cent of crashes.
LETTER: Proportional representation campaign merely a huge expense

LETTER: Proportional representation campaign merely a huge expense

Having devoted $14.5 million in an abortive attempt to a fundamental change in our provincial electoral system only to find that political stunt to have failed miserably; perhaps the leaders of the New Democratic and Green Parties may soon be given a lesson in laws governing election expenses.
LETTER: Urban trees’ benefits outweigh their risks

LETTER: Urban trees’ benefits outweigh their risks

While we sympathize with those who fear accidental death, we were dismayed to read the letter “Wind storm highlights danger of trees in urban setting.” Homeowners already have the right to remove dangerous trees, though a permit may be required. The number of deaths from falling trees in our region is extremely low . We are all far more likely to die from cancer, heart disease or stroke, car accidents or even accidental falls.
LETTER: New Years Day at Government House a moment of optimism

LETTER: New Years Day at Government House a moment of optimism

I was one of the many hundreds of people who partook in the New Year’s Day Levee this year at Government House. It is always a treat to be invited as members of the public to explore the lovely ballroom and the delight of personally shaking the hands of our ever changing lieutenant–governor.
LETTER: Deer population a plague on Victoria

LETTER: Deer population a plague on Victoria

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LETTER: More transparency needed from Westpro regarding Colquitz waste water breach

LETTER: More transparency needed from Westpro regarding Colquitz waste water breach

Thank goodness for watchful citizens like Dorothy Chambers who caught the Westpro waste water breach into the Colquitz River in December .