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LETTER: Oath of Allegiance not controversial for returning councillor

LETTER: Oath of Allegiance not controversial for returning councillor

Monday (Nov. 5) I was sworn in for a second term as a Saanich councillor. I first took the Oath of Office and then I took the Oath of Allegiance. I did the same in 2014.
LETTER: Plant’s potential work week requires superhuman strength

LETTER: Plant’s potential work week requires superhuman strength

A recent article outlined the aspirations of Coun. Colin Plant to Chair the CRD, for which I credit him.
LETTER: Co-operation and public policy will benefit from Proportional Representation

LETTER: Co-operation and public policy will benefit from Proportional Representation

There has been a lot of misinformation and fear mongering from the ‘no’ side of the Proportional Representation debate, and as a young person concerned about our democratic future I’d like to take a look at some of the facts.
LETTER: Priority should be placed on affordable housing over big box stores

LETTER: Priority should be placed on affordable housing over big box stores

Having listened to all the political rhetoric and promises on affordable housing during the municipal elections, I was amazed to see the new mayors of Sidney and North Saanich celebrating the construction of the new single storey Canadian Tire store on what was formerly agricultural land.
LETTER: Businesses laying wreaths inappropriate

LETTER: Businesses laying wreaths inappropriate

As my father served overseas during the war, I have never missed a Remembrance Day ceremony in any community I have lived in, for over 60 years.
LETTER: Don’t fall victim to the shiny trap of PR

LETTER: Don’t fall victim to the shiny trap of PR

Beware of bright, shiny objects. The full court press by the NDP and Green Coalition for a shift to Proportional Representation is a big bright shiny object.
LETTER: Pro representation will bring a voice to rural voters

LETTER: Pro representation will bring a voice to rural voters

In “Your View” a reader wrote apparently in support of the awful First Past the Post system, erroneously claiming “urban centers are too easily mislead by media or propaganda”.
LETTER: Saanich did the right thing by ticketing HarbourCats van

LETTER: Saanich did the right thing by ticketing HarbourCats van

It’s about time. Applause to Saanich for stepping up and doing something about the van that has been stored in the Braefoot Parking lot for the past few years.
LETTER: First Past the Post may be old, but it’s not broken

LETTER: First Past the Post may be old, but it’s not broken

I received my voter package in the mail. At first blush it seems to be a scheme to create more politicians at taxpayer expense.
LETTER: Proportional Representation is ideal, but better than what we have now

LETTER: Proportional Representation is ideal, but better than what we have now

Congratulations to the editorial staff for taking a stand on electoral reform in British Columbia (Our View - Change can be a scary thing - Oct 26), and good for you for carrying a letter advocating for the status quo . The author appears to represent those in society who find change scary, those who would rather live with a familiar pain than risk an unfamiliar pleasure.