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LETTER: Trail system an asset for North Saanich

LETTER: Trail system an asset for North Saanich

Sunday morning I had the good fortune to be out on a short run (there is no other kind when you’re over 70). Coming down Hillgrove near my home a group of eight on horseback were headed up the road towards me. They parted as the dog and I ran through them. I commented on how fortunate I was to be on the set of “Yellowstone”, which aroused a chuckle and I believe a “Yee-ha.”
LETTER: Transit users seek shelter from the storm

LETTER: Transit users seek shelter from the storm

I was stimulated to expand on the public transport theme after reading in your paper about the lack of shelter for passengers travelling by bus from the Swartz Bay ferry terminal.
LETTER: Saanich leash proposal raises legal concerns

LETTER: Saanich leash proposal raises legal concerns

I live at the base of PKOLS. I have a dog. I am also a lawyer and feel compelled to look at this debate (debacle?) from a legal perspective. Our laws (including municipal bylaws) are meant to protect fundamental rights and reflect societal needs and values. Saanich’s People, Pets, and Parks strategy falls short. Whatever your views on the strategy, the lives and well-being of many members of our community are impacted, and a change this big deserves due process of the law.
LETTER: Respect the rules for on-leash areas

LETTER: Respect the rules for on-leash areas

I would like to take a moment to address those of you who feel that the rules for walking your best friend do not apply to you. We love dogs, and ours happens to be a rescue we adopted and is very reactive to other dogs due to her past life before we adopted her. We stay away from off-leash areas because of this and stick to clearly posted on-leash areas where we can work to re-train our family member with the help of a professional trainer.
LETTER: Parks strategy money better spent on restoration projects

LETTER: Parks strategy money better spent on restoration projects

I write to oppose the proposed People, Pets, and Parks strategy. My main opposition is to the amount of public funds proposed to be spent on this project, as well as to the restrictive nature of the bylaw, which does not address the main threats to natural areas in Saanich parks (invasive species, braiding of trails by people (not just dogs) and the need for more concerted efforts in ecosystem restoration. Following are some alternative ways in which this $5-7 million could be spent.
LETTER: Proposed changes to leash rules do not strike a balance

LETTER: Proposed changes to leash rules do not strike a balance

We’re writing to express our concern about the proposed regulations that would restrict/eliminate off-leash dog walking in Saanich parks and beaches. In the People, Pets and Parks draft report, the vision statement is that “Saanich parks are safe, accessible, and enjoyable for all park users and provide a variety of experiences that balance the different needs of people and pets while protecting environmental integrity and promoting stewardship.”
LETTER: People, Pets and Parks strategy a forgone conclusion

LETTER: People, Pets and Parks strategy a forgone conclusion

Saanich’s People, Pets and Parks program is a full-frontal attack on pets and their owner families in Saanich parks – specifically dogs and dog families.
LETTER: Dog owners overreact to leash proposal

LETTER: Dog owners overreact to leash proposal

It was painful (but not surprising) to read all of the letters in the June 21st issue on the People, Pets and Parks project.
LETTER: Proposed leash regulations are cruel to dogs

LETTER: Proposed leash regulations are cruel to dogs

This letter is in opposition to the proposed draconian dog leash laws for Saanich parks. As it stands now, Saanich allows dogs to be off-leash while with owners in numerous parks and on some beaches. There is a proposal that these off-leash areas be drastically reduced and confined to a very limited space for dogs and their owners.
LETTER: Consultants troubled by the word democratic

LETTER: Consultants troubled by the word democratic

The June 13 Zoom meeting for public input on Saanich’s strategic OCP update showed a disturbing lack of democracy.