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LETTER: Cameras needed on Dallas Road

LETTER: Cameras needed on Dallas Road

LETTER: Council ignores voices of the majority

LETTER: Council ignores voices of the majority

LETTERS: Dog owners will have final say at the ballot box

LETTER: Victoria steps up support for Alzheimer’s

LETTER: Victoria steps up support for Alzheimer’s

LETTER: Leashes needed at Cadboro Bay

LETTER: Leashes needed at Cadboro Bay

LETTER: Fort Street bike lane impedes traffic

LETTER: Fort Street bike lane impedes traffic

LETTER: Council decision a blow to democracy

LETTER: Council decision a blow to democracy

I’m shocked and saddened by Saanich council’s decision to take away 80 per cent of existing areas for people to walk well-behaved dogs off-leash. (Their reference to 57 parks still being off-leash is very misleading. Most are tiny or close to roads, etc.)
LETTER: Saanich council ignores public’s will

LETTER: Saanich council ignores public’s will

Saanich council unanimously voting on the dog-leash issue is very puzzling. Perhaps I’m mistaken, I thought we lived in a democracy where the voters and residents in the majority have a certain measure of control over the decisions made affecting them. Sannich is showing democracy is only applicable when it aligns with the needs of special interest groups and politicians.
LETTER: Cadboro Bay leash bylaw must be enforced

LETTER: Cadboro Bay leash bylaw must be enforced

Like many non-conforming dog owners, Ray Lazanik conveniently leaves out the fact that all of Cadboro Bay and the beach area is a federal migratory bird sanctuary. That fact alone should dictate no off-leash dogs at any point in time anywhere on Cadboro Bay beach including the areas in both Saanich and Oak Bay.
LETTER: South Island’s political ranks continue to expand

LETTER: South Island’s political ranks continue to expand

Everyone knows that 100 is the number of years in a century, the boiling temperature of water at sea level, the number of centimetres in a metre, the number of yards in a sprint track event, and of course, the age at which you become a centenarian.