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LETTER: Lots of luck locating a lovely loo

LETTER: Lots of luck locating a lovely loo

Residents are wondering why most city washrooms are substandard and in shambles and now need $13-14 million in upgrades and renovations.
LETTER: Dogs running amok at once idyllic locations

LETTER: Dogs running amok at once idyllic locations

It’s hard to know where to begin unpacking the twisted logic and special pleading in Mark Hawkes’ letter (“Dog Owners shouldn’t be scapegoat for problems in parks” Saanich News, Jan 11). I am often in our various parks and wilderness areas, and the things I regularly witness with off-leash dogs is astounding.
LETTER: Investors the beneficiaries of strata rental restrictions

LETTER: Investors the beneficiaries of strata rental restrictions

Premier David Eby’s Bill 44 which overrode strata corporations’ rental restrictions was conceived with apparently no consultation with any strata groups. This has led to many letters to the editor by concerned strata homeowners.
LETTER: Give a thumb’s down to LNG project

LETTER: Give a thumb’s down to LNG project

Fortis BC hopes to expand its Tilbury LNG plant on the Fraser River in Delta, B.C.
LETTER: Memories of Valdy and Head Acres

LETTER: Memories of Valdy and Head Acres

Re: Legendary folk singer’s roots run through Sooke ( News , Jan. 12)
LETTER: Birds a harbinger of the threats facing our planet

LETTER: Birds a harbinger of the threats facing our planet

We live in Colwood, in the heart of unprecedented development, near a remnant bit of forest that still supports at least some wildlife. Even the occasional bear or cougar passes through in search of a place to call home.
LETTER: Fundamental changes needed to ensure real justice

LETTER: Fundamental changes needed to ensure real justice

Your editorial with a new year’s message, in my view, is little more than hollow words at a time when the majority of individuals and families face enormous trials and tribulations.
LETTER: Off-leash dogs can be detrimental to park experience

LETTER: Off-leash dogs can be detrimental to park experience

Re: the letter ‘Dog owners shouldn’t be the scapegoat for problems in parks’ in the Jan. 6 Saanich News
LETTER: Crazy times breed crazy policies

LETTER: Crazy times breed crazy policies

Re: Library phases out overdue fines ( News , Jan.12)
LETTER: Rant better left unpublished

LETTER: Rant better left unpublished

Re: the letter ‘Mayor should do his homework’ in the Dec. 29 Peninsula News Review. Everybody goes through bad times, times when everything goes wrong. And don’t we all react by indulging in a rant?