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LETTER: Langford a paved paradise

LETTER: Langford a paved paradise

I reference the Nov. 23 edition of the Goldstream Gazette, page A10, entitled “Stew Young’s Legacy From Dogpatch to Diamond” in which the writer waxes poetic about all the many accomplishments which occurred in Langford and the surrounding Greater Victoria Area due to Stew Young’s influences. The final sentence in that paid advertisement is: “As Joni Mitchell said “You don’t know what you’ve got until it is gone!”
LETTER: Restrictions unfair to single-family homes

LETTER: Restrictions unfair to single-family homes

Even though Premier Eby hasn’t addressed the sitting vacant single-family home suites as yet, he has nonetheless created a huge legal and moral dilemma for places like Saanich’s Broadmead, North Saanich’s Dean Park and West Vancouver’s British Properties, just to mention a few. All three of these neighborhoods among others contain condo and single-family-home rental restrictions, on title.
LETTER: Put cyclist-specific crossing on the fast track

LETTER: Put cyclist-specific crossing on the fast track

The wonderful new Haultain Road cycling corridor, developed in Victoria and Saanich, is fast becoming the principal route for all north Oak Bay cycle traffic into Victoria and points west, and is becoming the main route for regional cyclists wanting to access the Willows Beach/Estevan, Oak Bay High, Oak Bay Recreational Centre areas.
LETTER: A life sentence should last a lifetime

LETTER: A life sentence should last a lifetime

In an ideal world, a “life sentence” would mean that an offender who had been so sentenced would be incarcerated for the remainder of his natural life. In our actual world, this term means nothing of the sort. I refer to the recent life sentence handed down for the 2019 murder and two assaults in Brentwood Bay.
Letter: A simple way to collect trash and cut carbon emissions

Letter: A simple way to collect trash and cut carbon emissions

After having lived in four Greater Victoria municipalities and now Sooke, I have questioned why both the garbage and recycling trucks go up and down every single street.
LETTER: Affordable housing exists in North Saanich

LETTER: Affordable housing exists in North Saanich

Congratulations to mayor and council on your recent election to serve the citizens of North Saanich.
LETTER: Development too big for neighbourhood

LETTER: Development too big for neighbourhood

As a Saanich taxpayer for over 40 years, I am surprised Saanich council is entertaining a rezoning request for a 19-storey condo commercial building at West Saanich Road and Viewmont Avenue. The proposal is for 101 condos and 422 metres of commercial space.
LETTER: No overlooking the benefits of electric vehicles

LETTER: No overlooking the benefits of electric vehicles

A letter writer rejects the environmental benefits of electric vehicles (EVs) over internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs). I can support her final comment that, for many reasons, we would be better off with fewer private vehicles and a lot more public transportation. But to suggest that EVs are “as bad or worse” than ICEVs does not square with the facts.
LETTER: Peace is always the preference

LETTER: Peace is always the preference

I hope I speak for most Canadians in my belief that peace is always the preference. Peace is like being in a state of health while war is like being sick, but it does happen.
LETTER: Delay not an option in dealing with climate crisis

LETTER: Delay not an option in dealing with climate crisis

Last November an atmospheric river washed away highways across the province, including the Malahat. In the Fraser Valley, farms disappeared underwater. Lives and livelihoods were lost.