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LETTER: BC Ferries should make room for pets

LETTER: BC Ferries should make room for pets

The letter ‘Keep pets off ferry decks’ in the Oct. 27 PNR brings up some interesting problems. First, I am sorry that you have allergies to pets. However, your reluctance to have pets on decks and elevators needs a rethink.
LETTER: Children should have to learn to deal with bullying

LETTER: Children should have to learn to deal with bullying

Re: the letter ‘SOGI a distraction from education fundamentals.’ The writer says, “Our kids are safe” and goes on to criticize SOGI. She says kids just have to “Walk away. Talk it out. Ignore.”
LETTER: Sun setting on Beacon Wharf

LETTER: Sun setting on Beacon Wharf

I agree with Coun. Sara Duncan. The Beacon Wharf, like everything else that man has built, has a life limit.
Letter: Olympic mountains keep Victoria drier

Letter: Olympic mountains keep Victoria drier

Re: Islanders brace for rainy November ( Online , Nov. 3)
Letter: Dog attack leaves pooch with broken hip

Letter: Dog attack leaves pooch with broken hip

On Oct. 30, I walked a friend’s Labradoodle on a leash in Ed Macgregor Park in Sooke. A massive golden Labrador, allowed by its owners to be off-leash, charged across the green space and plowed into the Labradoodle’s left flank, sending the Labradoodle airborne and then to the ground.
Electric vehicles not the answer to a cleaner environment

Electric vehicles not the answer to a cleaner environment

I would like to be shown how electric vehicles are going to provide a “low-carbon future,” as stated by Minister of Energy, Mines and Low-carbon Innovation Bruce Ralston. The world is supposedly saved by EV buyers who can afford to pay $50,000 to $100,000 – and receive tens of thousands back in subsidies, tax credits, rebates and free recharges at public expense.
LETTER: Decades of unrestrained development

LETTER: Decades of unrestrained development

I live on the boundary with Langford and suffer from the blasting, machinery noise, the trucks, etc. as the projects on Latoria, Centre Mountain, above Willing Pond, etc. proceed with reckless abandon.
LETTER: Some issues for Victoria’s new council to take on

LETTER: Some issues for Victoria’s new council to take on

Congratulations to the new mayor and councillors on their recent election to office. I would like to suggest a couple of things you could do fairly easily to improve the quality of life for residents of this beautiful city. These are easy fixes compared to the big problems you face like the lack of affordable housing and homeless issues.
LETTER: More voting options could increase turnout

LETTER: More voting options could increase turnout

I was stunned to find out that the turnout in Victoria for the Oct. 15 municipal election was actually lower than the previous election in 2018.
Letter: If we don’t vote democracy erodes

Letter: If we don’t vote democracy erodes

Democracy is when people take an active interest in their communities – and vote.