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LETTER: Grateful for veterans coverage

LETTER: Grateful for veterans coverage

I would like to commend the Peninsula News Review and all their advertisers for the Remembrance Day articles. The coverage of our veterans was very moving and to me very inspiring. There were so many beautiful words in each advertisement.
LETTER: North Saanich has been clear in its disapproval of OCP review

LETTER: North Saanich has been clear in its disapproval of OCP review

In the Nov. 6 article, “Company drafting new OCP in North Saanich welcomes community input after election,” Mr. Oystryk states that “we are keen to … ensure the draft OCP reflects the range of community values found in North Saanich.”
LETTER: New Beacon Wharf would support economic diversity

LETTER: New Beacon Wharf would support economic diversity

I would like to respond to your Oct. 27 article regarding a Sidney councillor’s views about removing the Beacon Wharf.
LETTER: Opening the door to seniors housing

LETTER: Opening the door to seniors housing

I want to thank you for publishing the letter on Oct. 27 from Rod Hughes of South Vancouver Island Housing Society.
Letter: Climate change cannot wait for government action

Letter: Climate change cannot wait for government action

As the new council takes its familiar seats and begins to address unfinished business, it will be interesting to see how Sooke’s climate change responsibilities are managed. Last week’s United Nations COP27 meeting in Egypt highlighted government’s failure to meet emission goals and threats to our planet.
LETTER: Former MLA commends outgoing politicians for devotion to community

LETTER: Former MLA commends outgoing politicians for devotion to community

Thirty-three years ago, I met Stew Young, John Ranns, and Denise Blackwell. At the time the western communities were governed by a single CRD director. There was no city council, minimal community-based planning and few opportunities for public engagement. The result – a ramshackle set of communities that were crying out for local governance.
LETTER: Ways for voters to hold their council to account

LETTER: Ways for voters to hold their council to account

Your newly minted council has packed away the election signs, attended an orientation session on local government, and found their executive chair around the table.
LETTER: Emergency Act no laughing matter

LETTER: Emergency Act no laughing matter

The cartoon in the Nov. 3 paper was something I could do without.
LETTER: Global effort making difference in fight against polio

LETTER: Global effort making difference in fight against polio

I am so weary of watching the news from around the world. It is simply depressing. I needed some good news and found it this morning in a report by the National Polio Emergency Operations Center.
LETTER: Council must keep closer eye on financial support for Mary Winspear Centre

LETTER: Council must keep closer eye on financial support for Mary Winspear Centre

As reported, the Mary Winspear Centre had its charitable status revoked recently by the Canada Revenue Agency for failure to file required financial information.