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LETTER: Give monarchy a chance to seek redemption for past sins

LETTER: Give monarchy a chance to seek redemption for past sins

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LETTER: Forget the pool and put that money into road repairs

LETTER: Forget the pool and put that money into road repairs

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LETTER: The monarch as ceremonial head of state is a keystone of our government

LETTER: The monarch as ceremonial head of state is a keystone of our government

I was most interested to read that there would be a ceremony in Sidney marking the funeral of the late Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, on Monday, 19 September. I was a bit puzzled to read Adam Olsen’s remarks when asked “whether Canada should keep a foreign monarch as a head of state.
LETTER: B.C. needs to compromise on gas versus electric vehicles

LETTER: B.C. needs to compromise on gas versus electric vehicles

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LETTER: Clive Tanner remembered for his honesty and dedication

LETTER: Clive Tanner remembered for his honesty and dedication

I woke up Sept. 14 to the very sad news about my longtime friend and former colleague, Clive Tanner, passing away in the company of his loving family in his Sidney home.

LETTER: OCP will help Sooke grow in a positive way

The District of Sooke Official Community Plan passed second reading on Sept. 8. It now goes to public hearing on Sept. 27. At the Sept. 8 meeting there were vigorous comments by a minority of participants voicing their views.
LETTER: Residents should be compensated for construction noise

LETTER: Residents should be compensated for construction noise

Re: Langford residents’ complaints about construction noise on the rise in the Aug. 31 Goldstream Gazette.
LETTER: Shooting skills can develop over time

LETTER: Shooting skills can develop over time

With increased reports of gun violence, some people believe that only police and military should have access to guns. This would, therefore, imply that they would only learn proficient firearm skills on the job.

LETTER: Falling in love with Oak Bay all over again

As a child of 11, my family escaped the horrors of war in London and settled on Curry Road in Oak Bay. Having lived in Vancouver where I raised my family for over 74 years, I returned last November as a 93-year-old. Well, I am in love with Oak Bay all over again!
LETTER: Pharmacy’s service appreciated

LETTER: Pharmacy’s service appreciated

Canada is experiencing a health-care crisis and B.C. Is no exception.