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LETTER: Province must protect old-growth forests before it’s too late

LETTER: Province must protect old-growth forests before it’s too late

The overwhelming majority of British Columbians believe that the last vestiges of our ancient forests should be protected, and understand the vital role all forests play in ecology, affecting water quality, climate change, biodiversity, floods, landslides, marine life…
LETTER: Premier’s language overshadows the real obscenity

LETTER: Premier’s language overshadows the real obscenity

Your recent article regarding Premier Horgan’s language in a recent question period completely misses the point. The real issue is why he would react in this manner when asked a perfectly valid question.
LETTERS: Drivers on drugs pose a risk

LETTERS: Drivers on drugs pose a risk

What is being done in Victoria to protect pedestrians and law-abiding drivers from drivers who are on the streets, high on drugs?
LETTER: Climate change policy being driven by reliance on LNG

LETTER: Climate change policy being driven by reliance on LNG

The transportation minister’s recent altering of the law to “allow a provincial agency to buy and develop land for housing and amenities along transport routes” should make the public pause to think.
LETTER: Canada must share vaccines with the world

LETTER: Canada must share vaccines with the world

As a local resident, grandmother and advocate for human rights, Global Vaccine Equity is very important to me.
Who is being ‘two-headed’ here?

Who is being ‘two-headed’ here?

Re: Canada’s two-headed climate policy ( Our View, April 28)
LETTER: The truth matters

LETTER: The truth matters

Re: the letter to the editor Labelling is a plague.
LETTER: Denser communities serve an aging population

LETTER: Denser communities serve an aging population

The latest Census data shows the number of seniors over 85 is expected to triple in the next 25 years. The pace of aging is expected to accelerate.
LETTER: Blazing a trail for females in leadership role

LETTER: Blazing a trail for females in leadership role

Congratulations to Sergeant Julie Chanin on being named deputy chief of the Oak Bay police force.
LETTER: Development brings disruptions

LETTER: Development brings disruptions

More is being written recently on the topic of development and densification.