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LETTER: Time to get it right on the marina/Spewhung

LETTER: Time to get it right on the marina/Spewhung

The fact that Oak Bay’s infill housing strategy includes robust community engagement is a hopeful sign that our council is getting serious about working with the community it was elected to serve.
LETTER: First Nations should have say on Spewhung

LETTER: First Nations should have say on Spewhung

Once again there is evidence that residents are not happy with council’s lack of engaging them in determining the future of Spewhung/Turkey Head (letter Feb. 10).
LETTER: A musical antidote to COVID anxiety

LETTER: A musical antidote to COVID anxiety

Thank you Peninsula News Review for addressing in your recent editorial, the anxiety many of us are currently experiencing. We feel fortunate to be hosting a free, weekly virtual music sharing session on Zoom called “Feel-Good Songs” to help people feel uplifted and connected during these challenging times. Music is a powerful force for combatting anxiety while triggering positive memories and emotions.
LETTER: Lack of doctors the real health crisis

LETTER: Lack of doctors the real health crisis

Premier Horgan’s comments about the ongoing mandates continued to disappoint. Your faith in Bonnie Henry’s knowledge of, and responses to, this virus is not shared by a great number of your fellow British Columbians. She is not following the (ever-changing) science; if she were, she’d have advised you and Adrian Dix many months ago that science shows the so-called remedy has turned out not to be a true vaccine.
LETTER: Shoreline Medical Society supports area’s needs

LETTER: Shoreline Medical Society supports area’s needs

I felt I had to respond to the letter I read in the Peninsula News Review, “Sidney’s appeal diminished by lack of medical care.”
LETTER: Reopen Government Street to cruise ship traffic

LETTER: Reopen Government Street to cruise ship traffic

I absolutely agree with Victoria Couns. Stephen Andrew and Geoff Young on cruise ship shuttle buses. We should go back to the traditional route. Government Street needs to be reopened permanently.
LETTER: Dr. Henry needs to justify reasons behind mask mandate

LETTER: Dr. Henry needs to justify reasons behind mask mandate

It has now been more than a year since Dr. Bonnie Henry implemented the mask mandate in British Columbia.
LETTER: Langford has changed for the better

LETTER: Langford has changed for the better

I’m not sure how long the people that complain about Langford’s growth or Stew Young’s being mayor have lived out here but I’ve spent almost 50 years growing up in Colwood/Langford and all we used to have for sports was the Juan de Fuca Rec Centre, and a couple of corner stores that closed at 9 p.m.
LETTER: Politicians go missing-in-action

LETTER: Politicians go missing-in-action

On Feb. 15, I finally had to hang up the phone after being on hold for 75 minutes, trying to speak to someone from the Governor General’s office.
LETTER: Protesters actions only makes a bad situation worse

LETTER: Protesters actions only makes a bad situation worse

Yes, Freedom Convoy protesters, your freedom is being inhibited by the pandemic. We appreciate that. Now you want to protest to ensure everyone knows how grave things really are. We got it. Message received.