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LETTER: Protesters’ actions are a disgrace

LETTER: Protesters’ actions are a disgrace

It is reasonable to conclude that the vast majority of those participating in the so-called Freedom Convoy have never read, or even heard of, the 1936 book written by Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People. In desecrating a Terry Fox statue in the nation’s capital, these protest participants have revealed just how ignorant they are. ​
LETTER: Time to make the switch from natural gas

LETTER: Time to make the switch from natural gas

Can someone please explain to me why, in a province blessed with ‘clean, green’ hydroelectricity, we are installing natural gas in new developments?
LETTER: Unvaccinated putting others’ health at risk

LETTER: Unvaccinated putting others’ health at risk

There was a noisy demonstration in downtown Victoria on Jan. 29 for those opposed to the COVID-19 vaccination program. This is fine, and it shows that peaceful demonstrations are allowed in a democratic society.
LETTER: Transition Sooke on wrong track over growth

LETTER: Transition Sooke on wrong track over growth

Re: Why pausing some development in Sooke is a good idea ( Online , Jan. 29)
LETTER: Family grateful for care received in Saan Pen extended care unit

LETTER: Family grateful for care received in Saan Pen extended care unit

Our family wishes to express our gratitude for the high level of care our dad/grandpa/brother, Ron Cruickshanks, was given from members of the extended care unit of Saanich Peninsula Hospital. As an individual with highly complex needs, Ron was a resident of this Island Health facility for over four years, until his passing a short time ago.
‘A program of reckless coercion’

‘A program of reckless coercion’

Imposing a medical procedure on a healthy individual using a new drug with unknown proprietary ingredients, unknown long-term health consequences, and a drug-maker delaying release of product information is not about what is for the greater good.
LETTER: Biofuels plant raises concern

LETTER: Biofuels plant raises concern

I was appalled to read of the proposed organics and plastics waste processing plant for Sooke ( News , Jan. 27).
LETTER: Spewhung decision will have lasting impact on community

LETTER: Spewhung decision will have lasting impact on community

I write to reinforce the sentiment of other letter writers.
LETTER: Sidney’s appeal diminished by lack of medical care

LETTER: Sidney’s appeal diminished by lack of medical care

As all who live in Sidney see every day, our town is experiencing a condo boom. Now there could be even more residential housing if the Cedarwood property development goes forward, and possibly another condo building on the corner of Highway 17 and Beacon Avenue.
LETTER: Secondary suite parking requirements make little sense

LETTER: Secondary suite parking requirements make little sense

I read and reread the article in the Jan. 20 Oak Bay News about secondary suites policy. It wasn’t making sense.