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Saanich police looking for bank robbery suspect

Saanich police looking for bank robbery suspect

TD Bank at Quadra and McKenzie was robbed Saturday by man wearing an Air Jordan sweater

Emergency dispatchers help Victoria police net robbery suspect

East Sooke man arrested moments after convenience store theft

Saanich PD asks council for new computers

A $71,238 purchase for 67 Dell Optiplex computers was expected to go before council Monday night for approval.

Victoria begins tendering process for bridge project

City councillors hope competitive bidding process keeps costs from escalating further

Drunks keep police on their toes during St. Paddy's day revelry

Victoria police respond to more than 100 calls for service

Unpaid cab fare reveals credit card fraud

A 30 year-old woman was busted in a credit card scheme after attempting to pay for for her cab ride with a stolen card number.

CRD issues call for deer team volunteers

Oak Bay touts need for deer management plan

Marine location marker washes ashore

A small number of the smoke and flame producing devices may remain afloat and pose a potential hazard to the public.

2011 mayoral candidates disclose campaign finances

During the 2011 municipal election campaign, Bayview Properties made fairly hefty contributions to both rival mayoral candidates.

St. Patty’s Day shenanigans occupy Oak Bay officers

Loud parties, underage drinking and intoxicated drivers kept Oak Bay police on their toes throughout the St. Patrick's Day weekend.