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LETTER: Premier must accept blame for doctor shortage

LETTER: Premier must accept blame for doctor shortage

Well, it happened to me: My young GP is closing her practice. Citing billing, endless paperwork, another physician lost.
MARK: B.C.’s tourism industry paddles out of the pandemic storm, ready to welcome visitors

MARK: B.C.’s tourism industry paddles out of the pandemic storm, ready to welcome visitors

‘The recovery of the tourism industry is bringing a new challenge for operators in B.C.’
LETTER: Grateful for Canadian gun laws

LETTER: Grateful for Canadian gun laws

May 24 was my daughter’s 51st birthday. I appreciate all of the joy she has brought me over the years, including the gift of a beautiful granddaughter.
CAMERON: Keeping the British in British Columbia?

CAMERON: Keeping the British in British Columbia?

Victoria Day marks the informal start of summer in Canada, but it’s also a celebration of our historic connection
LETTER: Langford should be moved to different electoral riding

LETTER: Langford should be moved to different electoral riding

I am writing regarding the redistribution of federal electoral districts. My suggestion is to move Langford to the Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke riding, then move Esquimalt to the Victoria riding. The Gulf Islands could then be removed from the Saanich riding and become part of the Cowichan-Malahat riding. Basically a counter-clockwise shift of the electoral districts, with the exact riding boundaries determined by population.
LETTER: Missing Middle Initiative won’t provide affordable housing

LETTER: Missing Middle Initiative won’t provide affordable housing

The final page of the financial report on the Missing Middle Initiative written by the Coriolis Consulting Corp is available at City Hall. Well hidden within the conclusion is this line: The financial viability of the missing middle….is marginal. (page 13)
LETTER: Candidates should live in the city

LETTER: Candidates should live in the city

It takes a lot of hubris to run for mayor in a city where you are not a resident. It would be like running to be an MLA in B.C. when you are a resident of Alberta, or running to be an MP in Canada when you are a resident of the United States. When will this nonsense end?
LETTER: Plants mistaken for invasive species

LETTER: Plants mistaken for invasive species

Well, I’ve opened a can of worms in trying to raise awareness that the highly invasive shiny geranium is present in the CRD. Judging from the Facebook posts for the various Black Press Media outlets, many people are jumping to the conclusion that they’ve seen this plant or have it on their property, when it’s actually one of the similar-looking geraniums found in this area.
CRD should be preparing for severe weather

CRD should be preparing for severe weather

CRD’s severe weather claim is blown away by history and science.
LETTER: Sidney shouldn’t be afraid to face future

LETTER: Sidney shouldn’t be afraid to face future

Metathesiophobia – a phobia that causes people to avoid changing their circumstances due to being extremely afraid of the unknown – seems to rule Sidney’s community planning process. In their most recent meeting, seemingly with an eye on their re-election prospects and certainly not the future, Sidney council gutted two really forward-looking elements of their draft OCP.