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LETTER: Airport noise reaching new heights

LETTER: Airport noise reaching new heights

I read the article by Wolfgang Depner entitled ‘Return to office may have drowned out airport noise complaints’ with great interest. It is nice to see that the number of complaints is down, but I doubt that the noise has been “drowned out.” I was struck by the stress on complaints while nothing much was said about overall noise abatement except that the “authorities” did nothing about the present complaints as they were deemed a part of “normal airport operations.”
LETTER: Museum rebuild not a priority

LETTER: Museum rebuild not a priority

This is the worst time ever to announce a museum rebuild. This expense should not be a priority for so many reasons.
LETTER: Lack of foresight is nothing new

LETTER: Lack of foresight is nothing new

Re: Overabundant Canada goose population has CRD looking for solutions (Online, May 19)
FINLAYSON: Taming the inflation monster

FINLAYSON: Taming the inflation monster

‘Canadian policymakers should support the Bank of Canada’s efforts to get inflation back to 2 per cent’
LETTER: Langford’s environment hangs in the balance

LETTER: Langford’s environment hangs in the balance

It’s sadly no surprise that Langford council has again dismissed the need to protect the natural areas that drew many of us here in the first place. Mayor Young and most of the council seem to subscribe to a long-outdated vision that emphasizes rapid development over a more balanced approach to growth that values the beautiful natural environment we were blessed with here.
LETTER: Museum project a distraction from the real crises

LETTER: Museum project a distraction from the real crises

We were just about to renew our Royal B.C. Museum membership (after a pandemic lapse), when the premier announced the museum will be closing in September. For seven years. If all goes according to plan (which it rarely does) it will reopen in 2030.
LETTER: Museum issue will relegate NDP to history

LETTER: Museum issue will relegate NDP to history

Dear John (Horgan), we the public regret to inform you that as of October 2024 your services are no longer required.
LETTER: Banks helping seniors make online connection

LETTER: Banks helping seniors make online connection

Do banks ever get a thank you? I help seniors with their computer devices and I want to thank bank tellers who take the time to help people set up direct payment of their bills.
LETTER: Herbicide a hazard for neighbourhood

LETTER: Herbicide a hazard for neighbourhood

On May 19, our suburban North Saanich property was inundated with a strong smell of herbicide in the air. This is the first time in two decades of living here that we have had to breathe toxic fumes such as this.
LETTER: Smokers shouldn’t have pets

LETTER: Smokers shouldn’t have pets

It’s unfortunate for all of the non-smokers here in B.C., that smoking in public, in parks, around buildings … seems to be on the rise in a big way. And, added to that, the offensive and dangerous fumes from weed are now part of the mix.