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LETTER: Unvaccinated increase risk of a fifth wave

LETTER: Unvaccinated increase risk of a fifth wave

The problem is, as we all know, we still have approximately 15 per cent of people who are eligible to be vaccinated who are not vaccinated.
LETTER: North Saanich Residents Association keeping community informed

LETTER: North Saanich Residents Association keeping community informed

The North Saanich Residents Association (NSRA) wishes to clarify who we are and what we do.
LETTER: Community plan should avoid urban sprawl

LETTER: Community plan should avoid urban sprawl

I am the former mayor (2008-2018) of North Saanich and a charter member of Save North Saanich. Our website is carefully monitored and scrupulously factual in the information we provide to the residents of North Saanich.
LETTER: Saanich’s local area plans in need of renewal

LETTER: Saanich’s local area plans in need of renewal

It should have been an easy decision on Oct. 25 for the Saanich committee of the whole, but apparently not so.
LETTER: Sea level won’t have major influence on wharf

LETTER: Sea level won’t have major influence on wharf

Discussions regarding the Sidney wharf are taking into account the generally accepted fact of worldwide rising sea levels. On Vancouver Island, there are a variety of tectonic plates that are causing our land to rise as well and rise in some places faster than the sea is rising. Therefore, the changing of the sea level relative to the rising land should be considered, not just the rising sea.
LETTER: Tree debate branches out

LETTER: Tree debate branches out

The people discussing street trees are talking at cross purposes: Ginkgos are good precisely because nothing eats it. Specimens are long-lived and narrow cultivars are available that are suitable for narrow streets.
LETTER: Marina deserves same considerations as Oak Bay Lodge

LETTER: Marina deserves same considerations as Oak Bay Lodge

It was gratifying to hear all Oak Bay council members present at the Oct.12 council meeting express support for a strong community engagement process to determine the future of the Oak Bay Lodge property.
LETTER: Beaches less joyful without dogs at play

LETTER: Beaches less joyful without dogs at play

Dogs too need nature, trees, parks and beaches in order to be healthy, and humans need animals for emotional well-being. Both pets and wildlife enhance our lives. How sad when municipalities ban dogs from public nature-space. Many apartment dwellers who can’t have dogs at home enjoy watching other folks’ dogs at play.
MLA REPORT: Stepping up on climate protection

MLA REPORT: Stepping up on climate protection

Murray Rankin
LETTER: More public protections needed

LETTER: More public protections needed

Our provincial, federal, as well as some local governments are evading some of their most important duties to take care of us. Though we elect them it often seems that business, mostly in the form of large corporations, metaphorically stuffs the ballot box.