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LETTER: Leaf blowers should be banned

LETTER: Leaf blowers should be banned

I have observed on many occasions, people using gasoline-powered devices chasing a few leaves from the pavement when a million more leaves are still on the trees. They are not only noisy, but smelly and add to air pollution. Get rid of them, please.
B.C.’s mental health crisis is bad and getting worse

B.C.’s mental health crisis is bad and getting worse

Nearly half of British Columbians polled said their mental health was worse due to COVID-19
LETTER: After the storm, let’s build back better in more resilient, reliable ways

LETTER: After the storm, let’s build back better in more resilient, reliable ways

Power cuts can affect many aspects of our lives.
LETTER: Pickleball players seek a compromise with neighbours

LETTER: Pickleball players seek a compromise with neighbours

The question needs to be asked: Why is the sport of pickleball that is inexpensive, easy to learn, can be played by all age groups, is fun, makes us laugh at ourselves, keeps us active and during COVID dark days helped us stay calm – why is it a problem?
LETTER: Island rail system needed to meet today’s needs

LETTER: Island rail system needed to meet today’s needs

Although I admit to not having a thorough understanding of the history of Island Rail, I feel that it may be that very history that actually slows this idea from ever moving forward. It’s my impression that those who enjoyed the Island rail system from years ago, including nostalgic dreams of a classic train ride, may actually be preventing the idea of a more modern rail system in our future.
LETTER: Beacon wharf should be more than a platform to gaze upon the ocean

LETTER: Beacon wharf should be more than a platform to gaze upon the ocean

Sidney is an economic and boating hub for the Peninsula and Gulf Islands, yet there are no public docks near downtown. Meanwhile, many communities along the B.C. coast have docks for all to use. Why not Sidney? This oversight can be addressed as we choose a future for Beacon wharf.
LETTER: A timely debate

LETTER: A timely debate

Rather than turning back the clock back in the fall, why can’t we instead turn it forward another hour? We could call this new time-change DST2.
LETTER: Seniors forced to travel for booster shot

LETTER: Seniors forced to travel for booster shot

I have just received an e-mail from Island Health informing me that I am eligible to get a booster shot for the COVID-19. Imagine my surprise when I went to book it and found there is no place in Sidney and the surrounding area to get this shot.
LETTER: Removal of RBCM exhibits an assault on history

LETTER: Removal of RBCM exhibits an assault on history

The planned removal of third-floor exhibits related to settlement at the Royal B.C. Museum is clearly and truly an Orwellian political pogrom against history itself and has been devised in a way that is clearly politically biased and racist against Europeans and those of their descent.
LETTER: Birds wait for sanctuary on beach

LETTER: Birds wait for sanctuary on beach

This is in response to the ‘Ballad of the Banned Dog’ in the Nov. 6 letter “Beaches less joyful without dogs at play.”