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LETTER: Clarification needed on secondary suite survey

LETTER: Clarification needed on secondary suite survey

Urban Systems’ secondary suite process needs a major correction.
LETTER: Sidney following the path of Leduc, Alta.

LETTER: Sidney following the path of Leduc, Alta.

My favourite city in all the world, Sidney, B.C., succumbs to big business. Yes, my parents lived there for over 20 years, and I made it a high priority to visit a minimum of three or four times a year. I loved its quaintness, the lack of big-box stores. My dad told me way back when that the airport was trying to develop on their property and the city refused, citing what I heard was the perception of a detrimental effect.
LETTER: Dogs must be kept under control on trails

LETTER: Dogs must be kept under control on trails

I read with interest the two letters in the Sept. 1 issue of the Saanich News. As it happens, my daughter was walking through Mount Douglas Park that morning as she often does. She passed two women walking a dog. As she passed, the dog turned and grabbed my daughter in the leg. The lady in “control” of the dog was a friend of the owner who was also there. The owner immediately took control of the dog.
LETTER: Amazon warehouse will fit right in with ugly condos

LETTER: Amazon warehouse will fit right in with ugly condos

Re: The Amazon warehouse. Never mind the huge eye sore in the beautiful town of Sidney (it’s across the highway), what about all the tall ugly condos that have been put up all around Sidney. They look terrible.
Vaccine Politics: Will COVID-19 affect the outcome of the federal election in B.C.?

Vaccine Politics: Will COVID-19 affect the outcome of the federal election in B.C.?

Week 3 of federal election analysis by columnist Bruce Cameron focuses on the effects of COVID-19
LETTER: Police resources key to road safety

LETTER: Police resources key to road safety

Having had a deliberately dangerous driver speed around me in a playground zone this morning, I ask if Dean Murdock voted for more funding for police when he was on Saanich council.
LETTER: We all have a role to play in road safety

LETTER: We all have a role to play in road safety

With regard to “Group makes plea for safety as kids head back to school,” there needs to be a shared responsibility by all – motorists, cyclists, pedestrians and others.
LETTER: Bridge closures could prove fatal

LETTER: Bridge closures could prove fatal

One of these days, one of these unlawful bridge closing actions is going to result in the death of somebody’s loved one, because first responders could not get through the chaos to do their vital jobs. This nonsense must end, and our mayor and council must condemn it immediately and unequivocally.
LETTER: Saanich working to develop safer routes to school

LETTER: Saanich working to develop safer routes to school

We are stuck in a cycle, and that’s not a good thing. I’ve heard some parents are afraid to let their kids walk or bike to school because there are too many cars. In consequence, they drive their kids to school…and the cycle repeats. We know our schools weren’t built to handle so many cars and they often need to close or restrict their drop-off loops, if they have one.
LETTER: Langford mayor steamrolling his opposition

LETTER: Langford mayor steamrolling his opposition

I was disappointed by Mayor Stew Young’s comments, particularly his tone and choice of language. I have been a homeowner in Langford for 15 years (long enough for my opinion to be considered legitimate by Mr. Young?) and certainly do not live in a “$2 million” house – maybe 30 per cent of that figure.