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All in the margins: The size of a Liberal victory could depend on B.C. results

All in the margins: The size of a Liberal victory could depend on B.C. results

Liberals may even have an outside chance of winning a razor-thin majority
LETTER: Returns from Amazon warehouse will pile up

LETTER: Returns from Amazon warehouse will pile up

Regarding the Amazon warehouse coming to Sidney, where will all the returns go?
LETTER: Expandable leashes put dogs at risk

LETTER: Expandable leashes put dogs at risk

I think it is time that expandable dog leashes are banned. Twice in two days I saw situations that resulted in a dog being on the road. The owner of one was walking on the sidewalk looking at her cellphone and the dog had wandered right into the traffic lane. A second instance took place on Beach Drive while the owner had crossed at a crosswalk, was walking away and the poor dog was still in the middle of the lane.
LETTER: Majority supports environmental protection

LETTER: Majority supports environmental protection

An article in the Aug. 26 Peninsula News Review featured the opinions of three North Saanich residents (Warren Wolfe, Darren Wolfe and Robin Richardson) claiming that the silent majority here supports the proposed official community plan. Not so.
LETTER: Fish market an iconic piece of Sidney

LETTER: Fish market an iconic piece of Sidney

The opening line of the current Town Talk says a lot: “Beacon Wharf has been a prominent feature of Sidney’s waterfront for over 100 years.” They forgot to mention that the Satellite Fish Market, our iconic blue building that stands so proud at the entrance to our beautiful town, has been a fixture for 60 of that 100 years.
LETTER: Province allowing an assault on nature

LETTER: Province allowing an assault on nature

I am fed up. I don’t make much money, I have two young kids and I just felt obliged for Mother Nature to spend nearly $500 to support the Fairy Creek blockades with supplies, food, and a donation. I just drove up with my family to deliver these supplies and I was happy to see an awesome presence of brave forest protectors standing up to governments and corporations that are intent on destroying our planet with brute force and lots of taxpayer dollars.
‘Left Coast’ and balance of power: NDP’s B.C. strength could be key to minority government

‘Left Coast’ and balance of power: NDP’s B.C. strength could be key to minority government

The NDP won 24 seats in the 2019 federal election, and almost half (11) are in B.C.
MALCOLMSON: Transforming mental health and substance use care in B.C.

MALCOLMSON: Transforming mental health and substance use care in B.C.

Two years ago, government launched a 10-year plan called A Pathway to Hope
LETTER: The folly of the current political climate

LETTER: The folly of the current political climate

Barbara Tuchman asks in the first chapter of her classic The March of Folly: “Why do holders of high office so often act contrary to the way reason points and enlightened self-interest suggests?” Fair warnings, reasonable alternatives and wooden-headedness (stupidity) are her three marks of folly.
LETTER: Langford mayor dismisses input from residents

LETTER: Langford mayor dismisses input from residents

The Goldstream Gazette article that features Mayor Stew Young’s unsavoury comments targeted at Langforders who are raising legitimate issues is disturbing. Regardless of whether citizens are all for what is currently underway in Langford or have legitimate issues, all Langforders should reflect on whether they believe that the mayor’s conduct is becoming of the city’s most senior elected official and question whether councillors support the statements he has made.