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LETTER: Large Central Saanich home didn’t need council approval

LETTER: Large Central Saanich home didn’t need council approval

Central Saanich Council does not support mega houses on residential lots.
LETTER: Beacon Wharf is one of Sidney’s most precious assets

LETTER: Beacon Wharf is one of Sidney’s most precious assets

Few would argue that the character of Sidney has changed significantly over the last several years. As an individual who chose to move to Sidney because of its special character, I am deeply concerned the critical balance between old and new, historical and modern, is quickly becoming unbalanced. The most concerning aspect that I see is the decreasing voice that local residents have in determining the future of our community.
LETTER: Rural roads left out of Saanich safety improvements

LETTER: Rural roads left out of Saanich safety improvements

We echo the mayor’s celebration of cycling and pedestrian improvements, and his safety reminders in his Aug. 4 letter “Saanich walks the talk on safety improvements.”
LETTER: Summary of Oak Bay’s secondary suite survey shows bias

LETTER: Summary of Oak Bay’s secondary suite survey shows bias

With reference to the Aug. 5 Oak Bay News front-page article, the information provided just supports all of the criticism heaped on this secondary suite survey. The survey designers did not provide an option to allow residents to say that they did not favour changing the zoning to allow multi-tenant suites. The survey only asked “if” the zoning were changed to allow more suites in Oak Bay’s single-family neighbourhoods (the consultant estimates a 1,500 increase) what conditions would you favour?
LETTER Grateful to Black Press Media reporter for telling the story about Fairy Creek

LETTER Grateful to Black Press Media reporter for telling the story about Fairy Creek

Thank you so much to Zoe Ducklow and Black Press Media for the perseverance it took to get to camp at Fairy Creek.
LETTER: Residents’ concerns not being heard

LETTER: Residents’ concerns not being heard

Following up on the letters regarding development (North Saanich becoming a Langford, Central Saanich losing its character), I’ve had family roots in the CRD going back over 110 years and spent a quarter-century in Central Saanich.
LETTER: Oak Bay diverts course on marina decision

LETTER: Oak Bay diverts course on marina decision

Right now, our community has an extraordinary opportunity to determine the future of Oak Bay’s publicly owned marina buildings, lands and surrounding waters for only the second time in 60 years.
LETTER: Changes would diminish John Phillips Park

LETTER: Changes would diminish John Phillips Park

I am a senior and have lived in Sooke a little more than two years. Over this period of time, I have looked for and found some of the highlights of Sooke. John Phillips Park has most certainly been one of the highlights.
LETTER: Hard to put a value on the heritage of Oak Bay

LETTER: Hard to put a value on the heritage of Oak Bay

On June 15 the Oak Bay Heritage Commission requested council consider designating the Oak Bay Marina Restaurant building as a municipal heritage site. Six weeks later, rather than coming up for discussion, the topic was simply dismissed with the suggestion that “the Heritage Commission be advised that designation of the restaurant portion of the Oak Bay Marina building will not be pursued at this time.”
LETTER: Save North Saanich provides valuable service

LETTER: Save North Saanich provides valuable service

Eric Diller’s July 29 letter was long on trash talk but balefully short on facts. His “very small group of disgruntled North Saanich residents” was more than 250-strong when it rallied on July 12 at Municipal Hall, and council has received about 300 letters.