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LETTER: Wait for pedestrians to get out of crosswalk before making a turn

LETTER: Wait for pedestrians to get out of crosswalk before making a turn

Dear drivers, when turning right across an intersection’s crosswalk, please wait for the pedestrian to get to the other side before turning so close to them. Waiting three or four seconds for a person to cross will not make a difference in your life but could save mine.
LETTER: Sidney must envision the future of its waterfront

LETTER: Sidney must envision the future of its waterfront

Mr. Klein’s letter “Beacon Wharf is one of Sidney’s most precious assets” should be a clarion call to locals and visitors alike.
LETTER: Airport amplifies environmental crisis

LETTER: Airport amplifies environmental crisis

Victoria airport lands $3 million in federal funding, according to a headline in a recent edition of your paper. Geoff Dickson, CEO of the Victoria Airport Authority, went on to say “the VAA will reinstate lost air service, attract new air services and build passenger demand…”
LETTER: Survey didn’t measure support

LETTER: Survey didn’t measure support

Mr. Dan Huang, the senior planner for Urban Systems, argues “Support for suites is growing overall in the community as housing becomes more unaffordable.” (Survey shows mixed views on suites, Oak Bay News Aug. 5, and For the record, Oak Bay News Aug. 12.)
LETTER: Residential development brings surge in greenhouse gas emissions

LETTER: Residential development brings surge in greenhouse gas emissions

Victoria Mayor Lisa Helps recently noted that 70 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions come from cities.
LETTER: Pets in parks strategy needs to reflect reality

LETTER: Pets in parks strategy needs to reflect reality

On Aug. 16 Saanich council supported the terms of reference for People, Pets and Parks: A District Wide Strategy. I offer the perspective of a large portion of our park community.
COLUMN: Does your guilty pleasure involve a captain, a tiger or a cartoon monster?

COLUMN: Does your guilty pleasure involve a captain, a tiger or a cartoon monster?

WOLF: The siren song of sugary breakfast cereals remains hard to resist
LETTER: Fish market a piece of Sidney’s character

LETTER: Fish market a piece of Sidney’s character

I am writing to add support to Keith Norbury’s call to recognize and preserve the fish market on the wharf at the foot of Beacon Avenue.
LETTER: North Saanich’s rural lifestyle should be preserved

LETTER: North Saanich’s rural lifestyle should be preserved

The recent letter from Mr. Diller states that housing is a regional issue. True, and so are agricultural lands and natural landscapes. Municipalities do not share an equal responsibility to provide all amenities. The CRD’s Regional Growth Strategy defines an Urban Containment Policy Area to accommodate new growth for the whole region.
LETTER: The time to build the missing middle is now

LETTER: The time to build the missing middle is now

The CRD is at a crossroads. The cost of buying and renting has ballooned beyond the reach of many citizens. City officials now have a choice to make – continue with the status quo or build out the “missing middle.”