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LETTER: Vaccination goes smoothly

LETTER: Vaccination goes smoothly

A big thank you to all the staff and volunteers at the Mary Winspear vaccination site.
LETTER: Bike path connection easy to follow

LETTER: Bike path connection easy to follow

A letter writer said that, while trying to cycle from the Harbour Road bike path to the south side of the Johnson Street Bridge, she found herself in oncoming traffic when the bike lane abruptly ended. I have no idea what she is talking about.
LETTER: Development skirts the rules

LETTER: Development skirts the rules

I read the letter in the June 23 Saanich News from Kevin Elliott, who considers anyone who opposes the mega Doral Forest Park development, and other proposed developments of being guilty of “classic NIMBYism.”
LETTER: Protected bike lanes enhance cyclist safety

LETTER: Protected bike lanes enhance cyclist safety

A recent letter to the editor titled “City’s new bike corridors not making cycling safer” attempts to make a case that the current design of Victoria’s bike network is not conducive to safe cycling. As a transportation planner and cyclist, I disagree with the author on three key points.
LETTER: Development will disappoint those looking for affordable housing

LETTER: Development will disappoint those looking for affordable housing

Being a resident of Elk Lake Drive, and having retired after many years in real estate, I would like to offer my opinion on the proposed Doral Forest Park development.
LETTER: Education should know no boundaries

LETTER: Education should know no boundaries

Summer holidays are here. Pandemic or no pandemic, I know that children across Canada are ready for the warm weather and the change in routine, even while their parents are scrambling to figure out what to do to continue working.
LETTER: Climate accountability needed in OCP

LETTER: Climate accountability needed in OCP

The passage of Bill C12 by the federal government will commit Canada to meet the new greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) targets. The bill also requires, an emission reduction plan, progress report and an assessment report that will track the progress towards achieving these targets
LETTER: The hypocrisy of ‘land defenders’

LETTER: The hypocrisy of ‘land defenders’

The Indigenous bands of Southern Vancouver Island have imposed a two-year moratorium on old-growth logging on their traditional lands. At the same time, they are developing a stewardship plan for logging and resource extraction.
LETTER: Clearcut logging leaves a bigger mess than protesters

LETTER: Clearcut logging leaves a bigger mess than protesters

I find myself compelled to respond to Marie Wilson’s letter to you published in the June 24 edition of your paper ( Fairy Creek land defenders must go ).

LETTER: Ancient forests must be protected

In regards to Fairy Creek, where else in the world do you see trees as old as 2,000 years and 20 storeys tall? Trees older than Notre-Dame in Paris, older than Machu Picchu in Peru and older than Tiananmen Square in China. Some of the world’s largest Douglas firs, Sitka spruces and ancient cedars.