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LETTER: Forestry practices not all bad

LETTER: Forestry practices not all bad

In rebuttal to the Will Webster July 8 letter, he segued from my comments on the protesters occupying the land administered by the First Nations and the request from their leaders that they vacate it to an apocalyptic view of forestry practices.
LETTER: Fairy Creek’s future a mystery

LETTER: Fairy Creek’s future a mystery

I must confess, I’m puzzled. Having re-read the Canada Day issue of the Sooke News Mirror three times, I’m still not sure as to what happens at Fairy Creek after two years.
LETTER: Cyclists not following rules of the road

LETTER: Cyclists not following rules of the road

While the debate goes on about the bicycle lanes in Victoria, I would like to point out that a lot of the problems in traffic are caused by cyclists who continue to break all the traffic laws.
LETTER: African Heritage Association grateful for Victoria city council’s proclamation

LETTER: African Heritage Association grateful for Victoria city council’s proclamation

The members of the African Heritage Association of Vancouver Island, in coordination with the Coalition of the Afro-Canadian Community Organizations in Western Canada, express their gratitude to Victoria city council for the historical implementation of the proclamation of the International Decade for People of African Descent. They applaud and welcome the establishment of a new advisory committee to help the city with developmental and inclusive programs.
LETTER: Still time for North Saanich to preserve our farmland paradise

LETTER: Still time for North Saanich to preserve our farmland paradise

Does council really want to destroy North Saanich, this place we residents love and appreciate?
LETTER: Willows Beach-goers deserve to have a time free from dogs

LETTER: Willows Beach-goers deserve to have a time free from dogs

I am dismayed and disappointed to learn Oak Bay council is considering opening up Willows Beach to dogs during the summer months (May 1-Sept. 30).
LETTER: Saanich council’s disregard for rules a watershed moment

LETTER: Saanich council’s disregard for rules a watershed moment

A recent letter writer refers to rules being “skirted” in regard to the approval of the “mega” 11-storey Doral Forest Park proposal on Elk Lake Drive, meaning, I think, the land-use policies in Saanich’s Official Community Plan and Royal Oak’s Local Area Plan.
LETTER: Leaf blower saves senior from an aching back

LETTER: Leaf blower saves senior from an aching back

In the past 34 years I have moved tons of leaves off my yard (yes, tons – when they are wet they weigh a lot).
LETTER: Residents don’t want North Saanich to become an imitation of Langford

LETTER: Residents don’t want North Saanich to become an imitation of Langford

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the OCP proposal which would have a truly devastating impact on the community of North Saanich.
LETTER: Saanich council embraces development at expense of neighbourhood

LETTER: Saanich council embraces development at expense of neighbourhood

Royal Oak residents have been closely following the Doral Forest Park development application process, and one has to legitimately wonder why this project was approved, whereas a less dense proposal on Raymond Street South was rejected, which by all accounts is better suited to large-scale development. Both decisions went against the recommendation of Saanich Planning.