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Todd Stone: More action needed to save B.C. businesses

Todd Stone: More action needed to save B.C. businesses

‘This pandemic recovery effort is about people’
COLUMN: Bringing the best of downtown to your doorstep

COLUMN: Bringing the best of downtown to your doorstep

Jeff Bray
LETTER: Get developers out of the OCP process in North Saanich

LETTER: Get developers out of the OCP process in North Saanich

I applaud Jeff Stanhope’s letter to the Review regarding Alice Finall’s commentary on the direction the North Saanich OCP is taking. His letter was bang on. North Saanich has been valued as a rural district. It is the green space, or as Alice Finall says, the lungs of the region.
LETTER: Work leaves Clover Point in the dark

LETTER: Work leaves Clover Point in the dark

I was glad to hear that the new wastewater treatment plant is up and running in Esquimalt. Unfortunately, construction continues at Clover Point.
MLA REPORT: Clear communication needed for provincial vaccination plans

MLA REPORT: Clear communication needed for provincial vaccination plans

Adam Olsen is the MLA Saanich North and the Islands
LETTER: Letter draws response

LETTER: Letter draws response

I disagree with the writer of the letter, Government duplicating services, in regards to the Braefoot building. The services alluded to are geared towards different populations. Why does it have to be one provider versus another? We can have both.
LETTER: Subdivision of Boys and Girls Club land questioned

LETTER: Subdivision of Boys and Girls Club land questioned

I remember when Crown land in Metchosin, 98 acres of prime forest, meadow, and pond, was turned over to the Boys and Girls Club for outdoor adventure programs for youth at risk. Who could argue with such a noble cause? Support from all levels of government and private and corporate donors has poured in over the years.
LETTER: New sewage plant won’t clean up after dogs

LETTER: New sewage plant won’t clean up after dogs

At long last, our new sewage treatment plant is up and running. Unfortunately, it won’t address our newest sanitation problem: dogs.
LETTER: Oak Bay should enhance outdoor space

LETTER: Oak Bay should enhance outdoor space

The situation we are currently experiencing has underlined many challenges and opportunities in our community. As we will continue to stay local, the lack of easily accessible outdoor public space, will continue to be a civic challenge.
LETTER: A final goodbye to Donald

LETTER: A final goodbye to Donald

After four long years of almost daily subjugation to illiterate comments, moral bankruptcy, narcissism, misogynistic behaviour, global offences, environmental disregard, self-absorbed tweets, assault to democratic ideals, ungracious, dishonourable, undignified behaviour and profound lack of role modelling for our youth, I am finally able to respond, “Donald who ?”