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LETTER: Metchosin councillor has lost public’s trust

LETTER: Metchosin councillor has lost public’s trust

I am responding to the interviews conducted by Aaron Guillen or the Goldstream Gazette with Metchosin Coun. Kyara Kahakauwila and Mayor John Ranns. First, I’d like to make sure I understand correctly: Coun. Kahakauwila went to Mexico to schmooze with business people because it would be good for her business, L.A. Limousines. Coun. Kahakauwila thought she didn’t have any Metchosin business to do at the time.
LETTER: Handling of Site C dam issue has been a disaster

LETTER: Handling of Site C dam issue has been a disaster

I commend Premier John Horgan on his government’s response to the COVID crisis. His decisions have been well thought out, and has given the public the sense that things are under control as we move ahead through the pandemic.
LETTER: Government in competition with community groups

LETTER: Government in competition with community groups

I find it disappointing to see that the Braefoot building issue is such a reversal of what governments should be doing. During the 1970-80s when I was in charge of community development in the city of Calgary we successfully turned municipal recreation facilities including swimming pools, hockey arenas and more over to community organizations. These community organizations ran no end of recreation programs and community services as well as the municipality could do.
LETTER: Credit union closure a loss for James Bay

LETTER: Credit union closure a loss for James Bay

I have been a member of Coast Capital Credit Union from almost its ‘original’ inception. I have experienced its growth from a community-based and member-focused organization to a corporate entity seemingly more concerned about its growth as a financial institution then its service to its members.
LETTER: Councillors out of touch with Victoria

LETTER: Councillors out of touch with Victoria

To be a Victoria city councillor, not only do you not have to live in Victoria, or own property or a business in Victoria, but you don’t even have to attend meetings in Victoria. You can just Zoom from afar and get paid by direct deposit, while in the meantime making decisions on how to spend local taxpayers’ money, impede the flow of vehicle traffic, and approve so-called public art that makes national news for all the wrong reasons.
MP REPORT: Challenging year coming to a close

MP REPORT: Challenging year coming to a close

Victoria MP reflects on fight to provide relief from stresses of COVID-19
LETTER: Cut to COVID grant puts seniors at risk

LETTER: Cut to COVID grant puts seniors at risk

As a low-income senior, I appreciate the monthly $300 COVID Crisis Grant from our B.C. government that has definitely helped me with the extra costs of surviving this pandemic.
MLA REPORT: Light on horizon to get through pandemic

MLA REPORT: Light on horizon to get through pandemic

COVID Recovery Benefit brings financial boost to those who need it
LETTER: Suites threaten neighbourhoods’ character

LETTER: Suites threaten neighbourhoods’ character

The Oak Bay News recently published a letter written by Jan Mears regarding secondary suites. In that letter, she listed things that she thinks are wrong with Oak Bay’s secondary accommodation bylaws and spoke in favour of secondary suites.
LETTER: Councillor’s travel is inexcusable

LETTER: Councillor’s travel is inexcusable

I am quite frankly gobsmacked. I am a recently retired nurse/nurse educator who has a full appreciation of the risks involved in the current pandemic. For Coun. Kahakauwila to be defending her recent trip to Cabo San Lucas for a wedding is beyond the pall on so many levels.