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MAYOR’S REPORT: View Royal shines in times of hardship

MAYOR’S REPORT: View Royal shines in times of hardship

David Screech looking forward to better days ahead in 2021
LETTER: Amalgamation not the answer for Saanich

LETTER: Amalgamation not the answer for Saanich

In reference to the Dec. 23 letter in the Saanich News entitled ‘Mayor interfering with the amalgamation process’ by James Anderson, I suggest that Mr. Anderson and his myopic group come out of their Amalgamation Yes cave and check which way the wind is blowing.
PREMIER’S MESSAGE: A year that reminded us we need to take care of each other

PREMIER’S MESSAGE: A year that reminded us we need to take care of each other

Premier John Horgan says hope on the horizon, but we’re not out of the wood yet
MAYOR’S COLUMN: Victoria has what it takes to pull through as a community

MAYOR’S COLUMN: Victoria has what it takes to pull through as a community

Lisa Helps says hope is not enough to dig us out of the challenges we face
COLUMN: Bus companies at risk as revenue drops 95 per cent, no help in sight

COLUMN: Bus companies at risk as revenue drops 95 per cent, no help in sight

John Wilson is president and CEO, The Wilson’s Group of Companies
COLUMN: Pandemic helped Canadians rediscover nature

COLUMN: Pandemic helped Canadians rediscover nature

By Dan Kraus
LETTER: Public should have say on Braefoot building

LETTER: Public should have say on Braefoot building

We, as longtime residents of Saanich, object to Saanich terminating the lease with the Braefoot Community Association after holding an in-camera session.
LETTER: Oak Bay must open door to new regulations for secondary suites

LETTER: Oak Bay must open door to new regulations for secondary suites

Oak Bay Watch (aka Anthony Mears and a few other people) continue to promulgate misleading information about potential changes in our wonderful residential community. This is incredibly unhelpful in fostering informed debate and discussion about what we want to see in our collective future with respect to regulation of secondary suites in private homes.
LETTER: OCP review taking North Saanich off course

LETTER: OCP review taking North Saanich off course

Re: the article ‘Former mayor questions North Saanich’s OCP review in the Dec. 17 Peninsula News Review. I would like to express my gratitude for Alice Finall’s commentary on this issue. It takes a unique insight, honed by years of experience in such matters, to lift the veil on what’s really going on.
LETTER: Personal rights must be sacrificed for the greater good

LETTER: Personal rights must be sacrificed for the greater good

Freedom comes with a price.