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LETTER: Sidney library services are excellent

LETTER: Sidney library services are excellent

I would like to voice my disagreement with Robyn Quaintance regarding her comments about our Sidney Library, Dec. 17 Letter to the Editor ‘Sidney stuck with third-rate library.’ I’ve been a regular patron (approximately weekly) of this branch since 1992, first as a Saanichton resident and later, and to this day, as a resident of Sidney.
LETTER: Thank you to those separated at Christmas

LETTER: Thank you to those separated at Christmas

I was talking online to my daughter who is a health-care professional. She is home with her baby born during this COVID-19 crisis. It has been hard on her to stay home. Like other health-care workers, she wants to be contributing to the health of our community.
LETTER: Grateful for dad’s care at Resthaven Lodge

LETTER: Grateful for dad’s care at Resthaven Lodge

My dad was accepted to Resthaven Lodge in November 2016. Resthaven was so welcoming to my dad. They asked me to provide his history and then wrote up a wonderful biography of him for staff and volunteers so they could know who he was and his life’s journey. They also took a nice photograph of him and had this mounted on the door of his room.
LETTER: BC Ferries enables non-essential travel

LETTER: BC Ferries enables non-essential travel

What was BC Ferries thinking adding sailings from the Lower Mainland to Victoria over Christmas. I posted the question asking if anyone is concerned about the added sailings to the Brentwood Bay Facebook page and in minutes people responded that they are incredulous that BC Ferries is facilitating non-essential travel to the Island.
OPINION: Hoping for broader support and better days ahead for tourism sector

OPINION: Hoping for broader support and better days ahead for tourism sector

Now as we turn the page on 2020, there is room for optimism
LETTER: Keep amalgamation process free of political interference

LETTER: Keep amalgamation process free of political interference

Again we have a mendacious public proclamation by Saanich Mayor Fred Haynes that changing Saanich from a ‘district’ to a ‘city’ designation would maintain its independence and cost less than amalgamation.
LETTER: Bike lanes benefit all citizens

LETTER: Bike lanes benefit all citizens

Re the letter ‘City should end fight with visually impaired over bus stops’ (Dec. 10). The myth that people with disabilities don’t use bike+ lanes needs to be debunked.
LETTER: Hospital visit filled with care and attention

LETTER: Hospital visit filled with care and attention

On Dec. 14 I was a patient at the Saanich Peninsula Hospital where I underwent a small procedure. There was inevitable apprehension on my part as I went through the main entrance door.
LETTER: Saanich council not following procedure

LETTER: Saanich council not following procedure

Once again Saanich council has broken their own council procedural bylaw multiple times during the Dec. 7 special council meeting. For example:
LETTER: Christmas spirit alive

LETTER: Christmas spirit alive

This is just a little story showing that even in times like this we can still give and find joy at Christmas.