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LETTER: Sale contingent on development approval

LETTER: Sale contingent on development approval

I am writing to you in response to comments made by Vanessa Hammond in connection with the requested rezoning by Aragon Properties Ltd. in the Cook Street Village. While I am sympathetic to Ms. Hammond, I believe all the facts of this case are not being made clear.
LETTER: NDP acting like Liberals

LETTER: NDP acting like Liberals

The upcoming clawback of disability support by John Horgan’s NDP is unconscionable. Maybe it was politically inexpedient to raise rates before the pandemic, trying avoid the old label of the tax-and-spend party, but once rates had been raised it would have been very easy to just keep them there.
LETTER: Butchart Gardens brightens spirits

LETTER: Butchart Gardens brightens spirits

I have attended the Butchart Gardens Christmas lights annually for many years. I have an annual membership and attend regularly with my two daughters and husband. I was excited the lights were about to have their opening night before B.C. went on lockdown and Butchart was ordered to not have their Christmas event this year due to COVID.
LETTER: Mayor interferes in amalgamation process

LETTER: Mayor interferes in amalgamation process

The public utterings of Mayor Fred Haynes once again fail his obligations and assert contradictory positions. (Saanich News Dec. 16)
LETTER: U.S. ‘plague’ will soon end

LETTER: U.S. ‘plague’ will soon end

New president will bring moral compass to heal and unite Americans, says reader
LETTER: Some masks poorly made

LETTER: Some masks poorly made

Reader urges others to make sure masks non-permeable
GARRISON: We must redouble our efforts in battle against COVID-19

GARRISON: We must redouble our efforts in battle against COVID-19

NDP has fought hard for improvements to Ottawa’s support initiatives
‘I am tired, and my soul hurts’: B.C. nurse reflects on working in ICU unit during COVID

‘I am tired, and my soul hurts’: B.C. nurse reflects on working in ICU unit during COVID

Renée Bush writes about what it is like on the front-line of the pandemic in the north
LETTER: Masks restrict the freedom to kill

LETTER: Masks restrict the freedom to kill

Not everyone who contracts COVID-19 gets sick, but some die. If anti-maskers don’t wear a mask, and they spread the virus to someone who dies, what cost will the deceased pay so they can claim their “freedom”? Would they proudly proclaim “My freedom cost someone their very life”?
LETTER: Grateful for police response

LETTER: Grateful for police response

My grandson died of a fentonal overdose just over a month ago. The first resplonders and the police were very respectful and caring (my grandson was a visible minority).