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LETTER: Vehicle techs need acknowledgement too

LETTER: Vehicle techs need acknowledgement too

Living in a rural area makes it difficult to function without a vehicle, says reader
COLUMN: Every little bit counts as businesses face ‘devastating’ time

COLUMN: Every little bit counts as businesses face ‘devastating’ time

Jeff Bray is the executive director of the Downtown Victoria Business Association
LETTER: Discarded cigarette an act of carelessness

LETTER: Discarded cigarette an act of carelessness

I write this letter with anger.
LETTERS: Saanich councillor’s comments show lack of compassion

LETTERS: Saanich councillor’s comments show lack of compassion

It is really quite unbelievable that we elect councillors such as Zac de Vries with the thought that he, in the face of a catastrophic pandemic taking tens of thousands of lives and tens of millions of jobs around the world to date, would make such an outrageous comment that “a pandemic is not climate action.”
COMMENTARY: COVID-19 modelling useful, but not a crystal ball

COMMENTARY: COVID-19 modelling useful, but not a crystal ball

B.C.’s chief health officer explains risk of relaxing too soon
LETTERS: Time to cut costs at CRD through amalgamation

LETTERS: Time to cut costs at CRD through amalgamation

We are starting to see the devastating financial cost of the current COVID-19 crisis, and things will probably get worse.
LETTERS: Saanich should open Cedar Hill golf course to walkers

LETTERS: Saanich should open Cedar Hill golf course to walkers

Re: Victoria closes streets near Beacon Hill Park, Dallas Road to encourage social distancing (April 9).
LETTER: Greater Victoria school board chairs pen a message to families amid pandemic

LETTER: Greater Victoria school board chairs pen a message to families amid pandemic

Jordan Watters, Ravi Parmar, Timothy Dunford chair the three school districts in the region
COLUMN: Helping those who use substances during the COVID-19 pandemic

COLUMN: Helping those who use substances during the COVID-19 pandemic

B.C. Minister of Mental Health and Addictions Judy Darcy talks about both public health emergencies
LETTERS: Support your local food bank

LETTERS: Support your local food bank

The longer this crisis continues the more the need will be.