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Rickter Scale: Memorable moments on the midway

Rickter Scale: Memorable moments on the midway

The Rickter Scale is a regular column
COLUMN: ICBC is not just broke, it’s broken

COLUMN: ICBC is not just broke, it’s broken

Richard Truscott is B.C. and Alberta vice-president at Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Letter: Residents make one last attempt to save historic Oak Bay carriage house

Letter: Residents make one last attempt to save historic Oak Bay carriage house

It is hoped that the Annandale Carriage House , pending permission to move it to a municipally owned property, can now be saved for future use by Oak Bay citizens.
LETTER: Reduce ease of parking, increase ease of accessibility

LETTER: Reduce ease of parking, increase ease of accessibility

Prioritizing sustainable transportation in a time of climate crisis

LETTER: Bombardier doesn’t deliver

Canada is home to a big company, Bombardier, which builds vehicles sold all over the world. I have had a ride in a beautiful train car in Europe built by that company. It should be doing well, making profits and be a jewel in the Canadian crown.
LETTER: Cyclists offer ridiculous excuses

LETTER: Cyclists offer ridiculous excuses

I am continually amazed at the justifications I hear from cyclists who are riding on sidewalks and pedestrian-only walkways.
LETTER: Saanich council is distracted from governing

LETTER: Saanich council is distracted from governing

Re: Saanich resident calls for gas leaf blower ban . Teale Phelps Bondaroff’s distraction of council from its crucial task of budgeting omits that landscaping blowers also put dust into the air. Many landscaping contractors are too cheap and lazy to use vacuums.
B.C. VIEWS: Pipelines set to roll as federal politicians posture

B.C. VIEWS: Pipelines set to roll as federal politicians posture

Projects to drive B.C., Canadian economy in years ahead
LETTER: Bike lanes provide easy access to downtown

LETTER: Bike lanes provide easy access to downtown

Re: Bike lanes hurt business . I disagree with both the summarized heading of the letter and the statement that “People on bicycles generally do not stop and go to the stores to buy…since they have no way of transporting them [the items] home.”
LETTER: Illegal dumping a serious problem in Metchosin

LETTER: Illegal dumping a serious problem in Metchosin

Re: Soil recycling proponent weighs options for 50-hectare Metchosin parcel . This article is an interesting take on the soil recycling proposal for Metchosin.