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LETTER: Ping pong table a drop in the funding bucket

LETTER: Ping pong table a drop in the funding bucket

Re: Taxpayers question cost of new public ping pong table in Humboldt Plaza . Stan Bartlett and his cultish organization worry and complain about funding ping pong tables in a public space.
LETTER: Parking woes damage tourism industry

LETTER: Parking woes damage tourism industry

Re: Let’s change the conversation about parking . I disagree with the need to restrict downtown parking.
LETTER: Marijuana legalization just another tax grab

LETTER: Marijuana legalization just another tax grab

Re: Marijuana’s risks don’t belong in Sidney . I am in complete agreement with Sue Pazder’s letter. I believe her argument is sound and clearly reveals an understanding of the problem far beyond most of the citizenry.
LETTER: Bicycles a part of daily life

LETTER: Bicycles a part of daily life

Re: Bike lanes hurt businesses . Opinions that start with “people generally” are usually just that, opinions.
LETTER: No action taken on Oak Bay’s climate emergency

LETTER: No action taken on Oak Bay’s climate emergency

On April 8, council moved that the District of Oak Bay declare a climate emergency. What now, as August ends another season of drought?
B.C. VIEWS: More Labour Day milestones for the NDP

B.C. VIEWS: More Labour Day milestones for the NDP

Gift to U.S.-based construction unions keeps on giving
LETTER: Congratulations Saanich Engineering on a job well done

LETTER: Congratulations Saanich Engineering on a job well done

Kudos to Saanich Engineering, workers and contractors. The recent reconstruction of Ridgebank Crescent shows what proper planning and coordinating of a major upgrade creates.
What does ‘We are all treaty people’ mean, and who speaks for Indigenous students on campus?

What does ‘We are all treaty people’ mean, and who speaks for Indigenous students on campus?

Universities have mostly adopted a top-down approach to Indigenization
LETTER: Kenneth Fenton’s day parole highlights problems with justice system

LETTER: Kenneth Fenton’s day parole highlights problems with justice system

The loss of faith in our justice system is becoming abundantly clear.
LETTER: Parent praises online community, cab driver, in return of stolen bike

LETTER: Parent praises online community, cab driver, in return of stolen bike

Re: P arent pleads for return of daughter’s stolen bike .