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COLUMN: Can’t see the forest for the trees

Adam Olsen is the BC Green Party MLA for Saanich North and the Islands
B.C. VIEWS: NDP pushes ahead with Crown forest redistribution

B.C. VIEWS: NDP pushes ahead with Crown forest redistribution

This isn’t the time for a radical Indigenous rights agenda
LETTER: Sculpture represents inclusivity

LETTER: Sculpture represents inclusivity

Re: Make public art accessible to all
LETTER: Drivers a greater risk than cyclists

LETTER: Drivers a greater risk than cyclists

Re: CRD tickets cyclists who ignore stop signs at Lochside trail, Saanich Road intersection .
Rickter Scale: The chicken’s ready when pigs fly

Rickter Scale: The chicken’s ready when pigs fly

The Rickter Scale is a weekly column
LETTER: Act of kindness inspires woman to pay it forward

LETTER: Act of kindness inspires woman to pay it forward

I would like to thank the wonderful couple who helped me when I returned to my car, two grandsons in tow, to find a dead battery.
LETTER: Drivers need to get their heads out of the clouds

LETTER: Drivers need to get their heads out of the clouds

Recently I have had at least four near misses on the roads around Sidney that tell me people are just not focused on their driving, too much in a hurry or selfish to a degree that it is inevitable there is going to be a tragedy.
LOCAL FLAVOR: It’s never to early to start ‘putting up’ food

LOCAL FLAVOR: It’s never to early to start ‘putting up’ food

As we relax into the warmer days of summer it is time to sit on the porch, drink that tayberry lemonade and drift along with the buzzing of insects as they move about the yard from flower to flower. Well that is the fantasy isn’t it? If you are a gardener like me, as soon as the temperature hit 10 degrees this spring I was already feeling behind! Then I put my back out and well that just doesn’t go well with preparing the beds, weeding and planting.
LETTER: Less cars key to fighting climate change

LETTER: Less cars key to fighting climate change

As a scientist, it seems that David Suzuki has a very narrow view of global warming. CO2 may well be a contributor, but it is minor and the overriding factor is a consequence of our self-indulgence.
LETTER: Secondary suites can mitigate rising house prices

LETTER: Secondary suites can mitigate rising house prices

Re: the article on the survey on secondary suites that included the quote: “Oak Bay has never been affordable and should be kept that way.” That quote in the June 14 Oak Bay News is both erroneous and pompous.