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LETTER: Downtown parking crisis hurts businesses

LETTER: Downtown parking crisis hurts businesses

Re: Downtown Victoria businesses cite parking issues as top challenge
Rickter Scale: Beyond the great burger divide

Rickter Scale: Beyond the great burger divide

The Rickter Scale is a weekly column
MP Report: Hitting the housing crisis head on

MP Report: Hitting the housing crisis head on

Murray Rankin is MP for Victoria
LETTER: Strong environmental laws protect our waters

LETTER: Strong environmental laws protect our waters

Bill C-69 is vital to the environmental well-being of our province.
LETTER: Victoria council sours taste for amalgamation

LETTER: Victoria council sours taste for amalgamation

If there has ever been a deterrent to amalgamation it has to be the current Victoria council. I don’t know how these people got elected again, but what a bad joke on Victoria.
LETTER: Outdated privacy laws don’t protect personal information

LETTER: Outdated privacy laws don’t protect personal information

Canada’s election is just around the corner and I’m concerned that our political parties are not protecting the personal information they gather from us. I believe that they should be made subject to federal privacy laws.
LETTER: Community must be heard on secondary suites

LETTER: Community must be heard on secondary suites

There is much good information and discussion on the issues of owner occupancy, parking bylaws and impact on trees in Phases 1 and 2 of the present suite study.
LETTER: Taxpayers should have a say in Sidney parking

LETTER: Taxpayers should have a say in Sidney parking

I write this in response to a letter written to the editor that was in June 7’s Peninsula News Review . It concerns the ongoing parking mess in this town and I feel that perhaps this gentleman may have read my letter from a week prior and I also know this is a topic that must be talked about, addressed properly by council and brought to light to those who perhaps aren’t affected so much by the parking issues.
LETTER: Parent pleads for return of daughters stolen bike

LETTER: Parent pleads for return of daughters stolen bike

Send your letters to
COLUMN: Clearcutting B.C.’s last old-growth leaves all of us poorer, forever

COLUMN: Clearcutting B.C.’s last old-growth leaves all of us poorer, forever

Jens Wieting of Sierra Club BC responds to columns by Tom Fletcher and David Elstone