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Environmental fixes needed over personal agendas

Environmental fixes needed over personal agendas

Re: CRD directors demand declaration of climate emergency ( Online , Jan. 14)
LETTER: Every little bit helps when it comes to climate change

LETTER: Every little bit helps when it comes to climate change

In his letter of Jan. 4 Richard Talbot quoted an old friend that “Climate is always changing – it’s called weather.” I guess we are supposed to conclude that it is silly to be concerned about climate change, because weather is changing every day.
LETTER: College of Applied Biology’s findings have significant implications to Saanich staff

LETTER: College of Applied Biology’s findings have significant implications to Saanich staff

I find the article on Ted Lea being found guilty of ethics violations very troubling . However, it appears to have significant implications beyond Lea. The Saanich manager of Environmental Services, Adriane Pollard, is also a registered professional biologist. I have viewed transcripts from Lea’s hearing, and in final arguments, the College of Applied Biology’s (CAB) lawyer indicated that Lea’s ultimate conclusions with respect to the various properties, are probably right.
LETTER: A thank you to a kind stranger

LETTER: A thank you to a kind stranger

I want to thank some people, really thank them, and don’t know their names or really even where they live. On Jan. 5, I was doing my morning walk, going along Wishart Road and a gentleman coming up behind me got my attention, so I stopped.
LETTER: Grateful for Cancer DriveLine society

LETTER: Grateful for Cancer DriveLine society

I will add my thanks to the wonderful people who drive cancer patients to relevant appointments around Victoria, a service which I have used and a cause to which I gladly donate.
LETTER: Cannabis isn’t a cure-all

LETTER: Cannabis isn’t a cure-all

Mommy’s Inside Voice columnist Amie Jay appears to have replaced one bias against cannabis for another bias , embracing cannabis as a panacea for many diseases.
Mommy’s Inside Voice: Cannabis assumptions have gone up in smoke

Mommy’s Inside Voice: Cannabis assumptions have gone up in smoke

Mommy’s Inside Voice is a bi-weekly column by Amie Jay, a local mother of three.
B.C. VIEWS: Tracking propaganda around B.C.’s latest pipeline protest

B.C. VIEWS: Tracking propaganda around B.C.’s latest pipeline protest

‘Military invasion’ claims fly around the world in seconds
LETTER: Court injunction to remove groups on Wet’suwet’en traditional lands invalidates reconciliation efforts

LETTER: Court injunction to remove groups on Wet’suwet’en traditional lands invalidates reconciliation efforts

It is troubling to hear that a court has ordered the removal of First Nations members at a barricade on land that is claimed to be unceded.
LETTER: Andrew Wilkinson says B.C. minister’s pipeline protest visit a bridge too far

LETTER: Andrew Wilkinson says B.C. minister’s pipeline protest visit a bridge too far

Premier John Horgan should remove Doug Donaldson from cabinet, opposition leader says