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GRAEME LEBLANC: Excuses, excuses for drunk driving

Member of Greater Victoria's Integrated Road Safety Unit speaks out about drinking and driving

'Proven technology' becoming outdated for sewage plant

Current CRD plan for sewage treatment doesn't look to the future

EDITORIAL: Booze, groceries not a radical idea

Allowing alcohol sales in grocery stores, eliminating double standards, would further streamline B.C. liquor regulations

Non-smokers’ beefs sound self-righteous

Threats and nasty comments uncalled for against smokers

Focus on vehicle exhaust threat

CRD needs to look at relative harm from vehicles, second-hand cigarette smoke
B.C. VIEWS: Perils of an 'entitlement state'

B.C. VIEWS: Perils of an 'entitlement state'

Quebec is Canada's Greece, Ottawa subsidizes pizza parlours and other harsh realities of our economic situation

Community co-op could run Safeways

Sale of major grocery stores a perfect opportunity to change direction

OUR VIEW: Park plan needs bigger picture

It looks like there’s a no-win situation brewing over the future of Island View Beach Regional Park

Leave Beacon alone

I do not share the view that older pedestrians may be too confused to deal with two-way traffic

What the...?

Town council better clean up before Brentwood Bay loses what little charm it has left