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Some advice for B.C. politicians

We are hearing about the On-Line Voter Compass – asking voters a series of questions to determine which party they align closer

Weed out the rhetoric

I encourage that before you spew out-dated hokum, don’t watch Reefer Madness for your sourced materials or you’ll just look foolish.
SIMON NATTRASS: International Worker’s Day is May 1st

SIMON NATTRASS: International Worker’s Day is May 1st

On May 4, 1886, an unidentified protestor threw a stick of dynamite into a crowd of police.

B.C. gang police only scratching the surface

Writer wonder how task force will stop drive-by shootings

EDITORIAL: Don’t put stock in TV debate

B.C.'s political leaders offered little new information

COLUMN: Jordan Bateman

Voters should push for the predictable in their premier
BRIAN KIERAN: NDP’s Dix is singing the enviro-song

BRIAN KIERAN: NDP’s Dix is singing the enviro-song

One of B.C.’s longest serving public servants, Port McNeill Mayor Gerry Furney, can see Adrian Dix surfing the leading edge...

HELEN LANG: Fresh corn is much on my mind

On the 24 of May one of the most successful gardeners I’ve known used to plant his entire vegetable garden and everything grew.

Dog poop bags a cheap material obligation

Re: Colwood considers baggie dispensers, they're pretty inexpensive to purchase says reader
DANIELLE POPE: We never stop needing her

DANIELLE POPE: We never stop needing her

It’s that hug before the tears come, the smell of her shoulder, the way her brow furrows when I know she’s really listening...