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LETTER: Unfair to single Amazon out for waste

LETTER: Unfair to single Amazon out for waste

There is no debate that about 20 per cent of returned merchandise finds its way to landfills, according to BBC Earth, and it is significant. It is estimated 5.8 billion pounds worldwide of this stuff goes into landfills annually but it is not fair to single out Amazon because all large online retail outlets do it.
LETTER: More needs to be done to safeguard source of West Shore’s drinking water

LETTER: More needs to be done to safeguard source of West Shore’s drinking water

Thank you for your front-page story, Residents want more done to protect aquifer, in the Oct. 20. Groundwater is a critically important issue on southern Vancouver Island but remains almost invisible to most residents (out of sight, out of mind).

LETTER: Booster shots? Definitely not.

I wonder if there are more people like me out in COVID-land.
LETTER: Orcas deserve to be in the wild

LETTER: Orcas deserve to be in the wild

There is still one captive orca left in Canada. Her name is Kiska.
LETTER: Cadboro Bay intersection in need of a fix

LETTER: Cadboro Bay intersection in need of a fix

There probably is a good reason that the municipality is changing the intersection of Bowker and Cadboro Bay Road. Removing the right turn out will impede traffic and create more pollution.
LETTER: Vaccinated can help influence others

LETTER: Vaccinated can help influence others

Conspiracy theories and Internet nonsense aside, significant social change almost always follows the same pattern, the uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine included.
LETTER: Oak Bay’s choice of trees bad for ecosystem

LETTER: Oak Bay’s choice of trees bad for ecosystem

Following the removal of the Norway maples on Oak Bay Avenue, I was deeply disheartened to see parks manager Chris Hyde-Lay quoted saying “The replacement trees will likely be ginkgo biloba.” Every gingko planted is a loss to our urban ecosystem, and for the town to be modeling this choice, in a location seen by so many people, is very troubling.
LETTER: Prosser Road development more than meets the eye

LETTER: Prosser Road development more than meets the eye

Anyone with a minimal understanding of construction will know the project at 1909 Prosser Rd. is for more than the publicly announced 39 homes for the homeless. The excavation is massive, more in keeping with what one would expect for a multi-floor large condominium project or office building.
LETTER: Nighttime cyclists leave drivers in the dark

LETTER: Nighttime cyclists leave drivers in the dark

I start my weekday mornings in the dark, driving on Cedar Hill Road. And every morning I peer into that darkness, seeking those bike riders who wear dark clothes, flash no lights, and give me the responsibility for their life or death.
LETTER: Oak Bay holiday display lacks festive spirit

LETTER: Oak Bay holiday display lacks festive spirit

I Just read about the Halloween pumpkin issues at the Oak Bay municipal hall brought on by COVID. I agree that the pumpkins might be a public danger. Better to have them on poles. We’ll come to see them, walking down the street or from the safety of our cars.