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Planet needs a break from backyard burning

Planet needs a break from backyard burning

Another weekend is upon us, and again the neighbourhood is full of smoke from backyard burning! I noticed that this smoke is being created from the debris leftover from a cut-down tree. I did contact the fire department, but no action so far.
LETTER: Let stakeholders resolve logging dispute

LETTER: Let stakeholders resolve logging dispute

There is a gratifying proposal by Bob Brash of the Truck Loggers Association of BC in a recent issue of the Lake Cowichan Gazette. He requests that the B.C. government organize a meeting between all stakeholders – I assume including reserves, logging-related businesses, government, Grand Chief Stewart Philip and the Union of Indian Chiefs of BC, involved advocacy organizations and forest defenders.
LETTER: Development of Oak Bay Lodge site should include park

LETTER: Development of Oak Bay Lodge site should include park

I am writing to express my view of the proposed development on the site of the Oak Bay Lodge. I live on Bowker Avenue just across the street. I have three points that I would like to make concerning this development, concerning usage, amenities, and parking.
LETTER: The province’s passive pandemic response

LETTER: The province’s passive pandemic response

The antidote to passivity is not just action, but intentional action. Action without intention will take us somewhere, but not necessarily where we want to go.
LETTER: Anti-vaxxers not getting the message

LETTER: Anti-vaxxers not getting the message

The term “anti-vaxxer” has been associated with negative responses such as ignorant, selfish, misinformed and others too harsh to say. As such, it appears these people are changing their description to pro-choice to lessen the stigma of anti-vaxxer.
LETTER: Overwhelmed by surprise gift

LETTER: Overwhelmed by surprise gift

Thank you to the lovely woman who surprised me with a wonderful gift on Oct. 1. She dropped an envelope into my grocery bags while I was checking out and I want to thank her for her kind and thoughtful generosity.
LETTER: Esquimalt Lagoon development for the birds

LETTER: Esquimalt Lagoon development for the birds

The current plans underway to develop Esquimalt Lagoon lack sufficient consideration about the fact that the area is already a designated migratory bird sanctuary.
LETTER: Vaccine makes us all safer

LETTER: Vaccine makes us all safer

A recent letter-writer stated that she is rejecting the COVID vaccine because of the possibility of a serious reaction. In actuality, the chance of having a serious reaction to the COVID vaccine is 0.008 per cent, according to the Government of Canada website.

LETTER: Additional housing options needed to make North Saanich complete

A populist, NIMBY element has derailed the North Saanich official community plan review in order to stop development for self-serving reasons. We as a community need to support the greater good and the greater good calls for more housing options everywhere in Greater Victoria, including North Saanich.
LETTER: Target after-market exhaust merchants in Saanich, too

LETTER: Target after-market exhaust merchants in Saanich, too

Re: Noisy vehicles should be monitored in Saanich (Letters, Oct. 6)