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LETTER: Cooling trend expected

LETTER: Cooling trend expected

Understandably, the recent editorial had a local focus pertaining to the heatwave. However, expanding the local weather pattern to a changing climate, which is a global concept, is quite a stretch.
LETTER: Municipal overlap costly to taxpayers

LETTER: Municipal overlap costly to taxpayers

The watchdog group Grumpy Taxpayer$ of Greater Victoria is pleased to see that Black Press is highlighting the salaries of core municipalities (Saanich CAO tops salary list, but council paid lowest per capita among core municipalities).
LETTER: Central Saanich losing its character

LETTER: Central Saanich losing its character

I am writing in support of the letter writer saying residents don’t want North Saanich to become an imitation of Langford, and to sadly warn her she is absolutely correct.
LETTER: Stop old-growth logging until plan in place

LETTER: Stop old-growth logging until plan in place

It is well documented that less than three per cent of the B.C. temperate old-growth forest remains standing. Until a resource plan that supports biodiversity and sustainability has been developed, all old-growth logging should cease immediately.
LETTER: LNG’s economic benefits outweighed by damage to climate

LETTER: LNG’s economic benefits outweighed by damage to climate

Here we go again. The Nisga’a First Nation wishes to partner with LNG producers to build a plant in the Nass Valley to produce LNG. Two gas pipeline projects have received regulatory approval to provide feedstock of 1.7 to 2.0 billion cubic feet of “natural” gas per day. Proponents declare $55 billion of economic impact. I’ll say.
LETTER: Climate crisis demands action from us all

LETTER: Climate crisis demands action from us all

Here we are, on the precipice of a climate crisis, the displacement and misery of tens of millions of people, the collapse of agriculture in vulnerable areas, and our elected representatives are traversing the country throwing out coins and promises. Another unnecessary and costly election to distract us.
LETTER: Fish market an integral part of Sidney waterfront

LETTER: Fish market an integral part of Sidney waterfront

My comments are directed to the committee that is developing a plan for the eventual replacement of the Sidney wharf.
LETTER: Independent review needed for expedited projects in Langford

LETTER: Independent review needed for expedited projects in Langford

I’m writing in regards to this Danbrook One apartment debacle where Langford council, whose responsibility is vetting that these projects are in order before giving approval, and the principal contractor DB Services both deny any responsibility. I can only conclude it must be an act of God, though I didn’t realize God is into cutting and pasting to expedite construction projects.
LETTERS: Misinformation being spread on North Saanich OCP process

LETTERS: Misinformation being spread on North Saanich OCP process

There are pamphlets and posters being circulated in North Saanich by a very small group of disgruntled North Saanich residents that are spreading misinformation and misconceptions about the official community plan update currently taking place.
LETTER: Calls to action on reconciliation stalled

LETTER: Calls to action on reconciliation stalled

The discovery of unmarked graves of children on the grounds of Kamloops Indian Residential School and now another discovery of unmarked graves on Kupers Island Residential School has left many of us deeply saddened and appalled that this is part of our recent history.