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LETTER: Disappointed in Queen

LETTER: Disappointed in Queen

Like many people I used to believe that my duty was to the Queen. However, as a solid citizen I now feel that my duty is to Canada and its successful future. Personally I think that the Queen does not have our best interest at heart and this is the reason for my switch.
LETTERS: Bike lanes a welcome addition

LETTERS: Bike lanes a welcome addition

Ken McKay’s letter to the editor in the Aug. 13 Victoria News, titled “Majority goes unheard,” leaves me surprised, shocked and bewildered.
LETTER: Food trucks welcome at lagoon

LETTER: Food trucks welcome at lagoon

I’d like to add my comments to M. Eastman’s letter regarding food trucks at Esquimalt Lagoon.
LETTER: Joggers defy social distancing

LETTER: Joggers defy social distancing

In these peculiar days of distance, with masks and heightened social courtesy in an already courteous town, each day as I walk the lovely Ogden Point Breakwater, dutifully following the posted ‘stay-plague-free’ advice, I am at a loss to understand the mindsets of those who jog past everything and everyone, mask-less of course, as they steam on through us all, leaving their panting shrouds of mist and droplets floating in the fresh ocean air. Why?
LETTER: Keep planes out of Inner Harbour

LETTER: Keep planes out of Inner Harbour

In the July 30 edition of the Victoria News, I read about the adverse effects the missing cruise ships are having on Fisherman’s Wharf. True enough, but I would like to add that our beautiful inner and outer harbours are an incredible resource for local businesses and for residents, and should be thriving and robust with activities along both shores.
LETTER: Cycling not the answer to reducing carbon footprint

LETTER: Cycling not the answer to reducing carbon footprint

As a fellow senior, I feel duty bound to speak out against Gail Meston’s exaggerated claims with regard to cycling’s allegedly substantial contributions to reducing carbon emissions and other serious threats to planetary life.
LETTER: Time to stop old-growth logging

LETTER: Time to stop old-growth logging

It is so exciting to see that a few courageous selfless caring individuals have established a blockade camp to stop Teal Jones from making a logging road up into the headwaters of Fairy Creek. These forest protectors know the value of the dwindling old-growth ecosystems – a priceless historical national treasure – something which the NDP government continues to ignore, sidestep while in fact permitting and encouraging continued old-growth logging.
LETTER: Volunteer firefighter comes to the rescue

LETTER: Volunteer firefighter comes to the rescue

I am writing to express my sincere thanks to Capt. Ben Patterson of Otter Point Volunteer Fire Department who instantly assisted my husband Jonathan and I on Aug. 14, when I slipped, fell and fractured my foot on the side of the road while walking our dogs, on our first kid-free date night since COVID.
LETTER: Sidney performance draws applause

LETTER: Sidney performance draws applause

On Saturday evening I went to hear Valdy at the Mary Winspear Centre. The health and safety protocols were rigorous, the Bodine Hall organized in an attractive yet appropriately distanced manner and the music was excellent; a job well done!
LETTER: Time to stop old-growth logging

LETTER: Time to stop old-growth logging

It is so exciting to see that a few courageous selfless caring individuals have established a blockade camp to stop Teal Jones from making a logging road up into the headwaters of Fairy Creek. These forest protectors know the value of the dwindling old-growth ecosystems – a priceless historical national treasure – something which the NDP government continues to ignore, sidestep while in fact permitting and encouraging continued old-growth logging.