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Virus has a lot to answer for

Virus has a lot to answer for

Mixed ideas on COVID policy confuses reader
LETTER: Thanks to Saanich parks workers

LETTER: Thanks to Saanich parks workers

I want to thank the Saanich employees who have been doing a great job keeping the trails in the parks usable. These trails are more important than ever for fun and fitness during the COVID pandemic. Your hard work is appreciated.
LETTER: Parks are for people, not cars

LETTER: Parks are for people, not cars

I would like to say how very much I and others are enjoying the Ocean Boulevard and Esquimalt Lagoon now that barriers block it from being used as a thoroughfare. Other walkers agree with me that with no cars to avoid, just being there is a peaceful and lovely experience.
LETTER: Closure diverts traffic through school zones

LETTER: Closure diverts traffic through school zones

I live in the Lagoon neighbourhood and would like to voice my concern over the continuing closure of Ocean Boulevard. I haven’t heard any argument in favour of a permanent enclosure. Perhaps councillors Day, Baxter or Parkinson could just write to the paper and let us know why this is a good thing?
LETTER: Notices remain too long on power poles

LETTER: Notices remain too long on power poles

On my walks in the morning, I have always noticed notices of different sorts nailed to the power poles. A very good place to get the word out on any subject. I’ve even used it myself when we have had a plant sale. But we have always gone out the next day and removed these notices.
LETTER: Speeding vehicles a hazard on Lagoon Road

LETTER: Speeding vehicles a hazard on Lagoon Road

Ocean Boulevard should reopen but only after mitigation issues are addressed.
LETTER: Squirrels driving gardener nuts

LETTER: Squirrels driving gardener nuts

This year I decided to do my potted patio garden with more perennials to save money, because these plants will return every year. That was my goal.
LETTER: Safe supply a solution to overdose crisis

LETTER: Safe supply a solution to overdose crisis

In the days that followed the overwhelming feelings of grief and shock, I grappled for answers. I wanted something tangible, I wanted something to fight for. I wanted something or someone to be angry at.
LETTER: Too much dead wood at city hall

LETTER: Too much dead wood at city hall

The news mentioned that the mayor and council for the City of Victoria are looking at hiring two new people, I think that the salaries mentioned were $100,000.
LETTER: It’s time to find new home for John A. Macdonald statue

LETTER: It’s time to find new home for John A. Macdonald statue

Why wait to relocate Sir John A. Macdonald?