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LETTERS: Climate change a larger crisis than COVID-19

LETTERS: Climate change a larger crisis than COVID-19

With the coronavirus now dominating all media and all discussion, we risk forgetting about the much larger crisis posed by climate change.
LETTERS: A musical tribute to Bonnie Henry

LETTERS: A musical tribute to Bonnie Henry

Here’s a variation on My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean which I wrote for Bonnie Henry:
LETTERS: Closure of Saanich Yard Waste Drop Off a blow to gardeners

LETTERS: Closure of Saanich Yard Waste Drop Off a blow to gardeners

The closure of the Yard & Garden Waste Drop Off is unnecessary and almost cruel. Gardening in your own yard while complying with social distancing recommendations is one of the last, worthwhile, satisfying activities that we can do under the pandemic restrictions.
LETTERS: Bailing out the oil and gas sector is a mistake

LETTERS: Bailing out the oil and gas sector is a mistake

I am writing about the current Liberal government in Ottawa and their plans to bail out the oil and gas sector. I believe that this is a terrible mistake for several reasons:
LETTER: Island Health keeping public in dark over Coronavirus

LETTER: Island Health keeping public in dark over Coronavirus

What a condescending and snooty “we know what’s best for you” statement from Island Health about revealing Coronavirus cases on Vancouver Island.

LETTERS: U.S. an expert in political interference

Two questions for your readers:
LETTERS: Fantastic job on Wilkinson jail stone wall

LETTERS: Fantastic job on Wilkinson jail stone wall

I would like to send kudos out to the group, committee or agency that had the stone wall on the grounds of the Wilkinson Jail repaired.
LETTERS: Hospital name a community fixture

LETTERS: Hospital name a community fixture

As a consistent reader of the Peninsula News Review, I struggle to recall any news that there was consideration of a name change to the Saanich Peninsula Hospital in the works.
LETTERS: Cedar Hill green fees should reflect a municipal rate

LETTERS: Cedar Hill green fees should reflect a municipal rate

Cedar Hill Golf Course is a municipal course, serving the community. The prices should reflect that and charge municipal-like fees.
LETTERS: Time to look at health care system’s strengths and weaknesses

LETTERS: Time to look at health care system’s strengths and weaknesses

Your editorial, “A cause for concern not a reason to panic”, on March 4, was timely and thoughtful.