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LETTER: Canada must be proactive to reduce emissions

LETTER: Canada must be proactive to reduce emissions

Re: Converting waste to energy has tangible benefits . This letter is very true regarding the waste process and the great potential to achieve energy, but the rest of the letter must be pulling my leg.
LETTER: Marijuana’s risks don’t belong in Sidney

LETTER: Marijuana’s risks don’t belong in Sidney

I totally disagree with any sort of retail marijuana shop in Sidney.
LETTER: Let’s change the conversation about parking

LETTER: Let’s change the conversation about parking

Take away my convenient car parking – please!
LETTER: Bike lanes hurt business

LETTER: Bike lanes hurt business

Once again, we see the current administration in Victoria doing its best to destroy the business community in downtown Victoria with the proposal of new bicycle lanes. The purpose, according to their thinking, is to reduce the number of vehicles in the city.
LETTERS: B.C. Views column downplays urgency of climate change

LETTERS: B.C. Views column downplays urgency of climate change

‘Tom Fletcher should propose real solutions to climate crisis’
LETTER: Converting waste to energy has tangible benefits

LETTER: Converting waste to energy has tangible benefits

Greater Victoria municipalities need to stop wasting taxpayers hard-earned finances on frivolous activities and deal primarily with matters, primarily core services, which will benefit all residents.
LETTER: Outdated privacy laws don’t protect personal information

LETTER: Outdated privacy laws don’t protect personal information

Canada’s election is just around the corner and I’m concerned that our political parties are not protecting the personal information they gather from us. I believe that they should be made subject to federal privacy laws.
LETTER: Global Fund making a difference

LETTER: Global Fund making a difference

There is growing fear in the development community that after years of advocating full international funding for the Global Fund for Aids, TB and Malaria, the Trudeau Liberals are planning to abandon it. This is deeply concerning because Canada has long been at the bottom of spending of all developed nations on developmental aid.
LETTERS: Make your life have meaning

LETTERS: Make your life have meaning

Death is not a punishment. Death is something that we are all waiting for.
LETTER: Bike mayor doesn’t have a grasp on reality

LETTER: Bike mayor doesn’t have a grasp on reality

It seems to me Susan Stokhof, Victoria’s newly appointed bike mayor, does not have a good grasp of safety issues as they relate to this community.