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LETTER: What’s in a name: definitions needed for First Nations language

LETTER: What’s in a name: definitions needed for First Nations language

Victoria’s Trutch Street has been renamed Su’it (say-EET), “truth” street. Born in Victoria. Raised in Esquimalt. I never questioned how to pronounce the anglicized spellings of Sooke, Songhees, Comox and Cowichan or even Esquimalt. Although it is with some embarrassment I acknowledge that only recently I found out that Esquimalt means “place of gradually shoaling waters.”
LETTER: Rural living still has a place in Saanich

LETTER: Rural living still has a place in Saanich

When you choose to live in rural Saanich, you are choosing to live within the parameters of the local area plan. That document designates planning elements designed to retain and foster the rural atmosphere.
LETTER: Heritage Passport not needed

LETTER: Heritage Passport not needed

The new Saanich ‘Heritage Passport’ is a waste of taxpayers’ money.
LETTER: Spewhung restart is the right way to go

LETTER: Spewhung restart is the right way to go

For over a year now, the Community Association of Oak Bay (CAOB) has written to and met with the mayor and councillors to express serious concerns with the process that council took in 2020 to renew the 30-year lease for the Oak Bay marina and redevelop the Spewhung/Turkey Head site, foreshore and waters.
LETTER: Police deserve more appreciation

LETTER: Police deserve more appreciation

The police association recently expressed concern about the stress that our police officers are experiencing. Who else works in such a dangerous frustrating and frequently criticized job?
LETTER: Garry oaks sacrificed for development

LETTER: Garry oaks sacrificed for development

In Paragraph 6 of the recent Saanich News story about council approving 7-2 the Abstract Development at 630 Gorge Rd. W. the Abstract spokesperson and proponent was cited as having been told by Saanich staff that they “did not consider [Garry oaks] a sensitive ecosystem.”
LETTER: Victoria must make housing more attainable

LETTER: Victoria must make housing more attainable

I’ve seen opposition to city-led change from a variety of angles, some honest, some misinformed, and some deceptive. Often, this stems from fear, combined with a lack of understanding.
LETTER: Convenience is killing Canadians

LETTER: Convenience is killing Canadians

Health care as we know it is treating the symptoms and not the cause.
Letter: Bring a bag for fast food purchases in Sooke

Letter: Bring a bag for fast food purchases in Sooke

Otter Point reader questions bagging options
LETTER: Canada must do more to recruit foreign doctors

LETTER: Canada must do more to recruit foreign doctors

I’ve had a thought on the looming shortage of doctors and other health-care workers I thought I’d share. I understand there are many current immigrants in Canada that have medical degrees in their home countries that are not recognized in Canada, so they are taking other jobs instead of practising here.