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LETTER: The elephant on the highway

LETTER: The elephant on the highway

Several items in the June 30 Peninsula News Review brushed by the elephant on the highway and scarcely saw it. You had the household debt elephant bursting the walls of the house in your editorial cartoon, a letter about why the Keating flyover interchange should be dismissed because of its high cost, stories on the Beacon Street interchange and the huge Amazon building.
LETTER: No magic solution to homelessness

LETTER: No magic solution to homelessness

My first reaction to the letter to the editor from Denis and Yolanda Corbett on homelessness evoked an initial reaction along the lines of, “Are you kidding me?”
LETTER: Make sure plan up to the test

LETTER: Make sure plan up to the test

I appreciate that Mr. Greaves expressed a keen awareness of how the climate crisis will impact Cadboro Bay Village in his letter ‘Moderate growth will make Cadboro Bay a more vibrant community’:
LETTER: Cellphones a hazard for pedestrians

LETTER: Cellphones a hazard for pedestrians

A person who is distracted by a cellphone while walking has a greater chance of being involved in a pedestrian accident, with potentially fatal consequences. It is estimated that distracted walking injuries make up less than one per cent of all traffic accidents, but account for nearly 45 percent of traffic-related deaths.
LETTER: UVic would benefit from Cadboro Bay density

LETTER: UVic would benefit from Cadboro Bay density

Is anyone else under the impression that it is UVic that is behind Saanich’s sudden rush for densification/development in Cadboro Bay? The agenda certainly doesn’t seem to be coming from the locals, who only last year approved a local area plan (LAP) that was low on densification.
LETTER: Getting steamed over air-conditioned vehicles

LETTER: Getting steamed over air-conditioned vehicles

Doing errands today in 27-degree heat for about an hour around Saanich/Victoria, we saw most cars with windows rolled up, which means the air conditioning was in use.
LETTER: Rising tide of cruise ship garbage

LETTER: Rising tide of cruise ship garbage

Why is so much garbage being offloaded in Victoria from a cruise ship that came out of Seattle, visited Victoria briefly, visited Alaska for quite a while including shore visits, and returns to Seattle?
LETTER: Parking in short supply

LETTER: Parking in short supply

I moved to 523 St Patrick 23 years ago. There was virtually no street parking from Central to Beach Drive. It is now packed with street parking. And so are many Oak Bay streets.
LETTER: Oak Bay’s infrastructure deficit getting worse

LETTER: Oak Bay’s infrastructure deficit getting worse

Mayor Kevin Murdoch claims council over his term has “reduced Oak Bay’s infrastructure deficit gap.” (It was $460 million in 2021.)
LETTER: Trutch Street renaming complicates things for residents

LETTER: Trutch Street renaming complicates things for residents

I believe in all of what the city is saying about renaming Trutch Street, but it’s also better not to hide history. The city should put up a plaque stating what this man all did to our Indigenous people. Now you are just hiding history by taking his name away.