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LETTER: Volunteers needed for CIBC Run for the Cure

LETTER: Volunteers needed for CIBC Run for the Cure

Breast cancer continues to be the most commonly diagnosed cancer among Canadian women, with one in eight expected to be diagnosed in their lifetime. The Canadian Cancer Society’s CIBC Run for the Cure gives families, friends, and supporters the opportunity to come together to change the future of breast cancer forever.
See you around, John

See you around, John

Thanks for a job well done, Premier Horgan, and good luck in your future endeavours.
LETTER: Police need support keeping community safe

LETTER: Police need support keeping community safe

In relation to W.M. Johnstone’s letter condemning the police for their actions in fatal confrontations: There is a gun control problem in Canada, but it does not come from gun enthusiasts who legally own, license, and follow strict regulations for this sport.
LETTER: Moderate growth will make Cadboro Bay a more vibrant community

LETTER: Moderate growth will make Cadboro Bay a more vibrant community

It was great to see so many neighbours turn out for the Cadboro Bay Local Area Plan (LAP) workshop on June 11, though opinions certainly varied. Many people had questions or concerns for Saanich staff, but a few just seemed upset that things can’t remain as they are. The truth is Cadboro Bay is already changing: it’s not a question of if, but of how many will benefit.
LETTER: Ban dogs in urban wild parks

LETTER: Ban dogs in urban wild parks

In response to Mr. Walker’s letter of June 16, what does he think dogs are but human infringement? And one that does sufficient damage that many park systems ban it (including the national parks in the U.S.) to protect the environment?
LETTER: Accessibility improvements needed at Langford Lake

LETTER: Accessibility improvements needed at Langford Lake

Great article by Justin Samanski-Langille about the accessibility concerns with Langford Station.
LETTER: Keep rentals out of existing stratas

LETTER: Keep rentals out of existing stratas

I see 23-year-old Saanich Coun. Zac de Vries wants the provincial government to retroactively force stratas to allow rental units to solve the housing crisis.
LETTER: Nature under attack

LETTER: Nature under attack

I wish the operator of the excavator that rolled off a 50-foot cliff in Langford a full and speedy recovery. I pass that construction site on Latoria Road often, and nearly weep as I watch the landscape change irrevocably; the trees clear cut and the bedrock hillside blasted to make way for more development.
LETTER: Costs a concern for Saanich Operations Centre redevelopment

LETTER: Costs a concern for Saanich Operations Centre redevelopment

It’s an extremely challenging time for the long-delayed and now more costly plan to redevelop the Saanich Operations Centre.
LETTER: Pickleball noise a disturbance

LETTER: Pickleball noise a disturbance

Re: ‘Pickleball’s growth raises a racket in Victoria.’ Club president Connie McCann and her fellow members’ comments reek of an over-bearing sense of entitlement and ignorance. In reality, they are the ones who don’t have a ‘full grasp of the situation.’ I’d advise that they read a few of the numerous academic studies that reveal the harmful health effects of persistent and repetitive noise.