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LETTER: Oil exports fueling Russian invasion

LETTER: Oil exports fueling Russian invasion

Over many years the world has allowed Russia to become a leading energy exporter, sending massive amounts of oil and gas to all parts of the world, but particularly to Europe, the EU and, even to the U.S. Countries such as Germany, in fact, are giving up on nuclear power, believing in a world of peace, so they could rely on renewables and natural gas from Russia.
LETTER: Column a poorly masqueraded liberal ad

LETTER: Column a poorly masqueraded liberal ad

Re: Canadians see what freedom truly looks like ( Guest Comment, March 10)
LETTER: Hospice proposal will impact flood mitigation

LETTER: Hospice proposal will impact flood mitigation

The restoration plans at Kings Community Nature Space are in jeopardy if Victoria Hospice builds on the upstream floodplain; improving the pathway to Royal Jubilee Hospital to increase accessibility to nature for all hospital patients, visitors and staff requires flood mitigation to succeed.
LETTER: Beacon Avenue development raises questions

LETTER: Beacon Avenue development raises questions

My immediate response on reading the development application list down for 2180 Beacon Ave. W. was that there was little consideration for the inhabitants of Sidney.
LETTER: Dogs don’t need an ocean view

LETTER: Dogs don’t need an ocean view

The federal government established the Shoal Harbor Bird Sanctuary in 1931. As one of the officially designated Migratory Bird Sanctuaries, Shoal Harbour Bird Sanctuary was established to protect migratory birds during critical periods of their life cycle. Whether these areas are used for feeding, resting, or nesting, they play a vital role in the survival of many species. The federal website states that dogs and cats must not be allowed close to those delicate areas.
LETTER: Potholes are no laughing matter

LETTER: Potholes are no laughing matter

After spending $1,567.38 on two new struts and shock absorbers – the bill is going to council – it was a reminder that potholes are no joke.
LETTER: Municipalities deserve role in housing policy

LETTER: Municipalities deserve role in housing policy

This is in response to the editorial ‘New housing needs to be type that is needed.’ That speculative forces are helping drive housing prices ever higher is no secret – this being mostly enabled by very low interest rates. It’s almost like a self-reinforcing loop of ever-increasing prices, which only drives further speculation and profit-making.
LETTER: Spewhung on the path of reconciliation

LETTER: Spewhung on the path of reconciliation

I am writing to urge you Oak Bay council to restart the negotiations with the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations and the residents of Oak Bay on the future of Spewhung, the land that contains the Oak Bay Marina. If the process requires more time, you should extend the lease to accommodate the process.
LETTER: Vaccination status no reason for discrimination

LETTER: Vaccination status no reason for discrimination

In response to the March 2 letter from Ron Faris, here is the big drama actually being played out in Ottawa and
LETTER: Long-term renters bring more benefits to the community

LETTER: Long-term renters bring more benefits to the community

The March 3 editorial was flawed in some of its logic when defending short-term rentals.