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LETTER: Sidney’s draft OCP is flawed

LETTER: Sidney’s draft OCP is flawed

Sidney residents have consistently emphasized one overriding value above all else: Sidney’s charm and character as a seaside town must not be lost. Residents don’t expect Sidney to be frozen in time; they’re open to change and growth. But controlled growth, managed growth, not unplanned and unmanaged over-densification.
LETTER: Canada must upgrade its military

LETTER: Canada must upgrade its military

Prime Minister Trudeau does not seem to recognize the new world that is now upon us given the tragedy of Ukraine, and MP Elizabeth May suggests we drive a little slower and not on Sunday and all will be well. Talk about being out of touch.
LETTER: Don’t sacrifice trees to development

LETTER: Don’t sacrifice trees to development

I completely agree and support Coun. Scott Garnett in his genuine concern for trees in our community.
LETTER: Requiem for a tree

LETTER: Requiem for a tree

I would like to commend Coun. Scott Garnett for his attempt to save the trees in Sidney. Sadly, his voice may not be heard despite his very valid arguments on their behalf.
LETTER: Oak Bay’s land use application process needs updating

LETTER: Oak Bay’s land use application process needs updating

It became apparent watching council’s deliberations of March 14 regarding the 2326 Oak Bay Ave. (Quest) land-use application that our process is deeply flawed and unwieldy. This is true for staff, council, community, and likely developers. A checklist and a review of Oak Bay’s governance practices for land use applications are in order.
LETTER: Parks not a priority in Langford

LETTER: Parks not a priority in Langford

Re: Transformed Ernhill Park reopens. It’s wonderful that an older park in a neighbourhood with fewer amenities has finally received some upgrades to the play equipment as well as some environmental attention.
LETTER: Kindness alive and well in Victoria

LETTER: Kindness alive and well in Victoria

My wife and I are in our 80s and both use canes and are visiting Victoria for a month from where we live in Halifax. On March 20 we went for dim sum at a restaurant in Chinatown. There was a lineup to get in and it went up two flights of stairs.
LETTER: Mature trees must be protected

LETTER: Mature trees must be protected

For god’s sake, no, for our sake, leave mature trees alone. Take Coun. Scott Garnett’s (March 17) concerns seriously.
LETTER: Make reconciliation contributions tax deductable

LETTER: Make reconciliation contributions tax deductable

I fully support Victoria’s voluntary reconciliation proposal. Why not mandate all donations go to those First Nations’ organizations that are a registered charity? This would allow donors to get a receipt for tax purposes. Under these conditions perhaps other municipalities will consider the same route.
LETTER: More must be done to help Ukraine

LETTER: More must be done to help Ukraine

We are now into the second month of the illegal war in Ukraine, where a madman continues to slaughter innocent civilians.